
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Pecans are starting 05.25.16

                As I was sitting in my old rocker, it is old, but not as old as me, I was considering all the world problems, when I happen to look up and I saw the beginning of a new crop of pecans. Yep, there are baby pecans on our tree. The professionally composed photo below, is evidence of the forthcoming crop.
                Last year the squirrels were eating the pecans before they were ready to harvest. I guess they like the immature pecans. We are not allowed to shoot the squirrels but we can trap them. The problem is what do we do with them, when we trap one.  
                Also, as a master photographer, I occasionally observe and photograph wildlife. There are several Blue Jays in the neighborhood and I have captured one on film.  I guess that is an incorrect statement, as I have not had a camera that used film for many years now. Correction: I have captured one on an SD card.
                This bird was a little bashful so he turned his beak away from the camera just as I took the photo.
                There was a snake in the neighbor’s yard. You may not believe this but, the birds were chasing the snake and making a lot of noise. I tried to get a photo of the snake but it made it under the air conditioner. I have a photo, and if you look closely at the bottom of the air conditioner unit, you may see part of the snake that isn’t under the unit.
Click on the photo to enlarge it.

Hope your day is safe and positive!

Don Ford

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