
Monday, May 30, 2016

On my knees again 05.29.16

On this Memorial Day, I would like to say thanks to all who have served their country in the armed forces and hope we all remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice!
            When one voluntarily kneels in an effort to honor their Heavenly Father, or more often, to beg for forgiveness, this, “On knee event” is often a positive event. There is a different type of kneeling that is not voluntary, it always results in this senior citizen, sweating profusely, and working so hard that his whole body hurts and he never receives a positive comment like, “Nice job”. Instead of a positive comment, the actual comment received is something like, “It would be nice if you would….” which usually involves additional work! 
            If you haven’t guessed, someone was again forced to work on the flower beds at the Ford Homestead. The ground was still wet after the enormous rains that occurred over the last couple days. There was 40 of those huge red blocks that must weight over 100 pounds each (maybe a few pounds less). The only good thing about this entire operation was, the blocks were half price.
            I was required to finish the flower bed on the north end of the Homestead, then remodel the flower bed at the south end of the Homestead, and after that I was required to remodel a flower bed on the back forty. Photos to follow, click on a photo to enlarge.
          For those of you with good observational skills, you should be able to identify the color variance between the old and the 14 new blocks in the above photo.
The above photo is at the south end of the Homestead, where the water leak occurred.
         The last photo (above) is in the back forty. Do not look at the hose on the right side of the photo or the weeds that were pulled from the flower bed that are laying on the grass, lower right corner. The gray cement rabbit statue in the flower bed, is my first wife’s idea.
May the time on your knees be in prayer,
not working on flower beds!

Sunday came and my present spouse of 47 years decided to treat me with a Brunch, which was very nice! I should point out that I had to pay for the brunch.
Returning home, I can only assume that I was tired from all the work yesterday, as all I wanted to do was sit or lay on the couch. After a couple hours of non-movement, I decided to get a cup of coffee and do something other than rest. Possibly the coffee helped, but I like to think it was my overriding desire to be active. I decided to cut a few limbs in the back of the Homestead. I cut about six good sized limbs, pulled them to the trailer and cut them in to smaller pieces as I loaded them. In the photo we see the hand powered saw used in the trimming process.
It is difficult to keep a hard working senior like myself from being active. Also being bored sitting in the house is not fun.

Keep your mind and body active!

Don Ford

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