This picture is worth 307 words, count them if you don’t believe me.
The bright sun was shining down on the senior, as he sat in the old rocker with his new toy on his lap.
First, a response to this well composed photo was likely to be, “why did this fine looking gentleman have a frown on his face”. One viewer thought, it was the bright sun causing the frown.
In all honesty, the face does not have a frown, it is a stoic look. In an effort to prevent that one person from acquiring a dictionary and looking up stoic, a synonym for stoic is patient or tolerant. The face of this senior has a stoic appearance!
Second, you may have noticed that the early Christmas present is green, one of the non-politically correct colors of Christmas. No the chain does not hurt as it rests on my leg.
“C”, yes the senior has recently had a haircut. In an interview with this senior he was asked why the hair is cut short. His response was, “it is easier to take care of a high and tight haircut”.
Fourth, one person asked about the red that was showing near the neck of the shirt. Is this retired person wearing red Long Jon underwear and if so, do they have a flap in the back? The long answer to that question is, “NO, and no”.
“D”, who took the well composed photo? Although this may be a surprised to most of you, this is a selfie. Yes, I do have a selfie stick and as you can see it works. Retired and old people are allowed to have technical toys too.
Well I believe it is time for a well-deserved nap.
16 days till Christmas, have you acquired my present yet?
Don Ford
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