This, “Incident on Oklahoma Ave.” as it is now known, occurred a couple weeks ago.
As I remember the event, I was out for my morning exercise, totally focused on keeping the heart rate up. The day was sultry and I was attempting to walk, without being in the direct rays of the sun.
I wonder if my parents gave me the middle name of, “Ray”, due to the fact, that I would someday, be seen to others as being, “bright like the sun”.
I had my gaze focused on the top silver colored bolt, in the red diamond shaped sign, at the end of the street. There are three diamond shaped signs at the cul-de-sac, which is the end of the street. The signs are warnings to drivers that the street ends.
Above; A view, looking down the street, you may be able to see the three red signs in the distance. Below; the three signs, you may be able to see the silver bolt.
When I am focused, I am often unaware of my surroundings, but today was different. I had the uneasy feeling that I was being observed. Who would want to, “observe the observer?”
Was there someone trying to learn my daily routines in an effort to possibly break into my home while I am exercising, or could it be the widow woman peering through her curtains, thinking how nice it would be to have this senior citizen’s well-formed and muscular body close to her.
Now that I think of it, there is no widow woman on our street, so I guess that option is out.
I noticed that this sinister feeling was greater at one particular house. I decided to continue my exercise program and at the same time I would look for the pair of eyes that must be following my every move.
The third time I passed this house, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. There was no doubt in my mind I was being watched, but still I could not see the culprit.
I decided to stop and take a closer look. There were no vehicles in the drive, the windows shades were all closed. There was no one in the front or back yard. I quickly scanned the neighbor’s house and found no one there.
Could I have been wrong? Could it be that no one was watching me? Continuing on, I was attempting to dismiss the feeling from my well-formed brain, but it wasn’t working. I wanted to, but resisted, looking over my shoulder.
At the end of the street I made my turn and, at a very brisk pace was once again exercising. I was nearing the house again but this time I was on the far side of the street. There it is, that feeling again as if I was being watched.
I stopped, and then I saw a black shape, not moving at all, yet peering at me. What should my response be? I decided to get my non-smart phone out as if I were answering a call. I would, as I have many times in the past, attempt to get a photo of the offender.
This black body hiding in the leaves and branches of a tree in the front yard of the house was difficult to see. No wonder I did not see him at first, see photo below.
This fellow is no stranger to the neighborhood, as I often see him during my morning walks. He is Black with a white nose, and four white feet.
The fear of being observed quickly subsided, I finished my morning stroll and headed for home.
Always trust your feelings!
Don Ford
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