
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Where there's away... 06.12.15

Where there’s a way, there may be a senior, on a fixed income, with the will.
Before someone tries to tell me, I have it backwards, I think I have it right.
Yes I know the statement, “where there’s a will there’s a way”, but I am stating, “When a senior on a fixed income sees a way, he just might develop the will”. 
I have been walking 30 minutes each weekday morning and I have been trying to walk before the sun gets high in the sky.  It is hot and humid enough, without having the sun shine directly, on my wonderfully formed body. 
A couple mornings back, as I briskly strolled down our street, I noticed that two of my neighbors had lawn sprinklers. As these sprinklers watered their yards, I was considering what other uses those sprinklers might have.
I have asked both of these neighbors if they would give me their schedules for their lawn watering times. Needless to say they were wanting to know why I was interested.
It seems to me, that one should be able to take a shower in these lawn sprinklers, and not affect the watering of the yard. A small amount of soap will not hurt the grass, it might help keep it cleaner! I have assured the home owners that I would have a swimming suit on when I was taking a shower during day light hours.
I don’t understand why some people have to be so stubborn! Can you believe, both neighbors told me, “They would rather I not take a shower in their lawn sprinklers”!
If you are observant, you would have noticed that both neighbors said, “they would rather I not use their sprinklers” but neither said, “I definitely could not use them”. As I see it, I will use their sprinklers for my shower, when they are not home. What they don’t know, will not hurt them.
Before you ask, yes I will use the kid’s swimming pool, which is now located behind, “The Ford Homestead’, for my bath, when I can’t get a shower in the lawn sprinklers at the neighbors. Either way, I should save some money on our water bill. 
                Something else I noticed during my morning stroll, one of the houses about a block from mine, notice I did not say a neighbor, now has two owls in their back yard. Why can’t people stop trying to outdo us here at, “The Ford Homestead”? I do something one week and someone else has to try and out do me the next. It is difficult trying to stay at the top of the heap.  
May your neighbors be more cooperative!
Don Ford

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