
Monday, June 22, 2015

Father's day 06.22.15

                I had a good father’s day, both of my son’s wished me a happy Father’s day. 
                I did not fly my drone on Father’s day, but I did go out for breakfast. When we returned home from our morning repast, we changed our clothes and called David to see if they were moving today. The answer was in the affirmative so my first wife and I went over to help.
                Dave had made one trip in their SUV moving items that would fit in the vehicle. Dave and Claire have purchased a home which is located in Hewitt and about 2 miles from where they have been living.
                My present spouse was instrumental in packing of items from the grandkids room. Donna and Claire would have items ready to move when Dave and I returned from each trip. I got to rest during the drive to and from the new home.
                We began the work about 11:00 am and concluded the transporting of household items a little after 8:00pm. Possibly the worst part of the day’s work was the humidity. I would sweat the water out faster than I could drink it in. The temp was 88 and the weather went from over cast to sunny and back many times during the day. Our next to last load included the couch which was secured on the trailer. As luck would have it, there was thunder, some lightning and sprinkles of rain.
                The sprinkles did not last long and the couch was delivered without getting wet. Dave and I were concerned about moving the couch as it was the one heaviest item in the move (would you believe it weighed over 500 pounds, it was somewhat lighter when I got off).
After some discussion we determined the best method of carrying the unit was, on its back. We found good hand holds and lifted with our legs. Yes we used our arms and hands to hold the unit, lifting with our legs means we were keeping our back straight during the lift in an effort to be safe and not hurt ourselves.
Part of the concern was, the couch had to go through the front door. Leading up to the door was a walkway about 50 feet long, it was up hill from the street, and had about 5 steps that I would need to negotiate. Obviously, that is not a good situation for a senior citizen (me) who is over 50 years old (way over).
Being a, “master planner” and somewhat lazy, I devised a plan that would help in the removal of the couch from the trailer, transport of said couch from the trailer, through the front door and into the living room.
We pulled the trailer up the drive way parking at the garage door, which meant we did not need to carry it up hill. From the drive way we still had to carry the couch about 50 feet to the front door but we were on level soil.
Another challenge in moving this couch was, the person carrying the back end (Dave) could not see where he was going and the person on the front end (me) was walking backwards attempting to tell Dave when we had an un-level spot in the yard, or when we needed to step up on to the walk way, then there was the step up at the front door and a step down into the living room. We made it without incident.
The days moving over, my wife of 46 years and I headed for home.
Arriving home I was tired and needed a shower, real bad.
Donna and I ate a sandwich, then I headed for bed.
Monday morning I was a little stiff from the day’s work, but not nearly as stiff as I thought I would be.
All in all a pretty good day.
There are still a few items that we need to move but the majority of the move is completed. Now the process of finding everything that was moved, and putting it in the proper place begins. 
I hope you had as good a day as I did!
Don Ford

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