
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Not always the big guy 06.16.15

As some of you may know, there is a story in the bible about a young man who accepts the challenge put forth by a bully, whose name was Goliath. For those of you who are not familiar with this story, Goliath was said to be a giant, possibly 9 feet tall, enlisted in the Philistine army.
As I understand it, this huge fellow would daily challenge the Israelis, calling them sissies and other names. He is said to have offered to fight anyone of their warriors, winner take all. Winner take all means, the losers would be the slaves of the other army.
There was a normal sized young man, his name was David, and he decided to go against the oversized bully.
I wonder if David gave any thought to what the outcome would be if he lost?
I think he had a positive attitude and was totally optimistic about the outcome of the challenge. He also had the man upstairs on his side.
I hope you know, David hit the giant in the head with a rock knocking him out. No, he didn’t throw the rock, he used a sling. Then he took the tall man’s sword and decapitated him. Decapitated sounds much better than, “cut his head off”.
What caused me to impart this story to you? Something I observed on a stepping stone, just a couple feet from my old rocking chair.
The stepping stone is 12 X 12 inches and is one of several installed by me. It is reddish brown in color.
We have some very small ants here in Texas. Even though they are very small they move at very fast speed. I noticed this one ant, all alone on the stepping stone. He was moving back and forth, sometimes in a circle, I assume he was looking for something to eat.
A fly landed on the stepping stone, I can only assume he wanted to rest for a moment.
After a few moments the ant, in all its wanderings, found the fly. This little ant went up to the fly, face to face, seemingly not afraid of the giant fly (he was a giant when compared to the ant).
To my surprise the fly flew away from the ant, landing on the other side of the stone. The ant again began to run all around, as if it could not see where the fly had landed. After a few seconds the ant again acquired the location of the fly. The ant went up to the fly face to face. This fly (as stated earlier) was many times larger than the ant, but the fly again retreated from the ant.
This happened about 5 different times and I wished I had my camera so I could have shown you what I observed.
It seems as if the old saying, “size doesn’t matter”, is true in some situations.
It also seems as if the bully, can be smaller than the bullied!
          This is a photo of the stepping stone where the ant bullied the fly. Sorry that I did not have the camera during the confrontation.
          We were blessed with a half inch of rain early yesterday evening. This rain was badly needed. As I walked this morning, I could hear the grass and flowers all along the streets, growing. (I have exceptional hearing.)  
          Now that the nice ½ inch rain has helped the yards and flowers, those mean ole weather prognosticators are predicting rains in the amounts from 2 to 5 inches for central Texas, over the next two days. The photo below, shows the beginning of what it to come.
On a sad note:
A good friend passed on Sunday.
Hugh York will be missed.
Our prayers are with the family.
Don Ford

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