
Saturday, March 2, 2013


               As usual, I should begin by defining a term that may be unfamiliar to some of my readers. A Treeologist is a person that has studied and understands trees, along with proper wood butchering techniques. I am considered the premiere Treeologist of Hewitt, Texas.
A little history for non-Texans; Today is Texas Independence Day. 177 years ago today (Feb 2nd) Texas declared its independence from Mexico.
               Back to my original thought;
Today started out too cold for a retired person to be outside so I found things to do inside. I was trying to understand how to install a dead bolt to our front door. I reviewed the device and decided that I could install it properly. Then I looked at the door knob set that came with it. It is defective and will not work properly. The door knob will lock on the outside but not inside. I bought the set at an employee sale, “as is”, and it is defective. Some time you win and sometimes you don’t.
             About noon I decided to have lunch so not being a cook I open a can of soup.  I am able to fix soup but not much else. My wife of 43 years was going to garage sales and did not have time to prepare my noon repast.
            After eating my soup (no sandwich) I decided to check to see if it had warmed up. It was warmer but not real comfortable. The wind was making it feel colder than the actual temperature. I bundled up and went into the back yard to survey the tree. Below is the subject of today’s posting and you can see my new adjustable ladder.
               This particular tree will have all its limbs cut off about 8 feet above the ground and the plan is to make a tree house on the stubs of the limbs. Old retired people need projects to keep them alert and handsome, and Gabi and Alex are asking for a tree house so…
             Above we see the limbs are cut and on the ground.
               I was cutting the limbs using a chain saw after they were on the ground, I broke the chain. Luckily, I had a new chain in the saw case. I went to the shed to do some repair work and decided I should clean the saw as I was repairing it. Cleaning and repair work took about an hour and I was just about to get out of the mood to butcher limbs, but I had to see if the new chain would cut. It worked as expected.
               I decided I was tired; I returned all the equipment to the shed and went to the house for a shower and a nap. Both were better than I had anticipated.
               I will finish cutting and stacking the wood tomorrow, maybe.
From the Treeologist mind of       Don Ford
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