
Thursday, March 21, 2013

This is the First.

               Yes, as you know, this is the first full day of spring. Have you ever wondered why they differentiate between the first day and the first full day of spring? I haven’t and I don’t want to consider the difference.
               We here at “The Ford Homestead” received ½ inch of rain as a gift of the first day of spring. Our yards needed the rain and it keeps me from needing to water.
               I have often wondered why my wife of 43 years 11 months and 17 days buys flowers and puts them in the yard expecting me to water them throughout the summer.  This may be her way of getting me out of my rocking chair.
               Our yellow rose turns white after a couple days.
Different subject:
Over the years I have learned to read people, even though many people do not believe I have the ability. We all subconsciously read people all the time but it is more useful and fun when we do it in a conscious mode.
You may not believe it but I have enjoyed arguing debating with people over the years. The trick is to not debate anyone that is upset with you. When the other person gets upset and loud you should become quite and cool headed. 
I believe they teach lawyers to stay cool and not become personally involved in an argument. This helps the lawyer to continue to think and consider options when the other person is upset and saying whatever comes into their mind.
It is difficult to stay cool and collected when you are personally involved in the argument; being aware that you are, “being drawn into the debate or argument” is essential.
As soon as you realize that you have become involved you must change the approach. Take a deep breath, look away, get composed and shut up. When it is your turn to talk keep the volume of your voice down, never try to talk over the other person. Raising your voice shows that you are upset excited or out of control. 
 Years ago there was a fellow that I had hired. This fellow did not like me almost from the beginning. He campaigned trying to get me fired, such as calling the home office and talking to other people in the building setting many of them against me.
He came into my office one day to complain about his last review. I was in a good mood but he was not. He started to complain and his voice became loud. 
I was deliberately staying quiet and not participating in the one sided argument. I intentionally smiled at him as he became more disturbed and loud. After about 5 minutes he stopped and just looked at me. He asked if I was listening to him. I could hear him but I was not allowing anything he said to upset me and I knew “I was in control”. 
At that point I asked if he wanted to discuss the matter calmly and quietly. He got up and walked out of the office. This person self-terminated a couple months later. 
There is a lot more to this story but that is for another time.
Story telling time is over; I hope you have a good week.
Don Ford

1 comment:

Mary said...

Beautiful flowers! I'm jealous.