
Thursday, September 26, 2024

September 26, 2024

            Even though it is still dark outside, we are hoping you are having a good morning. As I understand it, sun rise will be at 7:19am, and sun set today will be at 7:19pm. That don’t happen too often.

            We got through the MRI ok yesterday, and after that stressing process, we went to Georges for a relaxing breakfast. We do not know the results yet but we are staying positive and praying for good results. 

            Big plans for the day: get Alex to school safely and on time this morning. Speaking of Alex, he has a football game this evening and an orchestra concert. He has decided to do the concert.

            I need to get my hair trimmed today so I will need to drop by the teller machine and see if I can get my weekly stipend, “hair cut cost money’.

            Since my favorite wife did not get to go grocery shopping yesterday, she will venture forth today.

            This cooler weather is nice and sitting outside relaxing is even more enjoyable. It even makes reading more pleasant when sitting outside with a cool breeze blowing.

            I observed on a security camera some birds fighting at one of our bird houses. I would have understood it if it would have been spring and they were looking for a house to nest in, but it is fall. Maybe they were fighting over who gets to use the house this winter.

            I am tired of all the so-called news being about the presidential election, and about the attempted assassination of Trump. I know who I am voting for and I don’t need to hear any more talk about elections.  

            Well, I need to get going and get Alex to school, we hope your day will be filled with much joy, and that we all stay safe in all we do.

Hair removal today.

Senior ole person who still has hair in all the wrong places, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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