
Friday, September 20, 2024

September 20, 2024

            Good morning to you and that other person too; and it is a good morning for me also. Today is Friday, two days before Fall officially starts, even though it will not feel like it. This morning, I get to go pickup Alex for school about one hour earlier than usual. Alex will be finishing a test this morning, that he did not finish Wednesday, which he did not complete due to leaving early for the football game. School starts at 8:25am I need to have him there at 7:30am.

            Well, the Don did work some yesterday and he was able to accomplish the tasks at hand.

First, the Don got his tools out and prepared for the work in his outside workshop. I have a photo for your enlightenment. In the photo one can see the small work bench, the small seat for the Don, the small tiller that was ready to be worked on, the small air compressor, and the water cup in the Ford’s ole wagon. You can’t see it but the power for the compressor is being furnished by the power inverter in the shed, which is powered by a 12-volt battery, which is powered by a solar panel. If we were real people with a regular income, we might be able to have a normal shop with normal sized tools and work bench, but being on a fixed income, we can’t have all the nice things you real people have.

            At least I was mostly in the shade during this work session.

I did get the small tiller out and remove the gas from it and I cleaned it up some and I got the unused string trimmer and removed the gas from it. The work wasn’t that difficult, but I was sweating due to the very hot temperatures.

That work completed I watered the plants in pots and the #2 berry bed. The other berry beds were in the direct sun, and I try not to work in the direct sun. 

After all the tools were put away, I went into the house and cooled off for a while. After the cooling session, I cleaned up some and prepared to go out for date night, aka supper. The food was good and the service was very good. Back at home we did sit outside for a while.

Plans for today: go out to my ole workplace and pick up an item I ordered and do little or nothing the rest of the day. I do plan to have the yard man Alex over Saturday to do some mowing.

Well, you now know all about me and my plans. We hope you have a good day and are able to complete all your plans in a safe and productive manner.

Outside workshop.

Senior ole person who needs to get going and get Alex, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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