
Friday, September 29, 2017

The beginning 09.29.17

                Although it is the end of September and October is about to begin, that has nothing to do with this article. It has been raining, thank goodness, we have received just a little less that one inch that we badly needed. That being said, the rain is about to end and clear weather is about to begin, but that also has nothing to do with this article.

                As a senior retired person, I have developed many quirks, one of which I shall present to you in this posting. For some reason, I have developed a dislike for the beginning, even though I have written about how all things begun (which includes the universe and everything else, you are right, no one read it), I still have a problem with some beginnings.

                I find it interesting that I have no problem with the middle, truthfully the middle grabs my attention for some unknown reason. Possibly, you may have the answer to my question, and I will be happy to listen.

                The problem is this, I like to watch old TV shows, but there are a bunch that if I turn the TV on and the TV show is just beginning, I will turn the channel. If I turn the TV on and the same show is in progress, I will sit there and watch it. I can’t understand why I have a problem with the beginning of these shows and not the middle.   Thoughts, other than, “I am old”?


                A different subject.

                As I stood on the Ford’s old drive way waiting on “The Gabi” to arrive, I again heard the sound of the wood pecker, pecking on the aluminum cover to the street light. This bird has been on that light pecking most mornings, for some unknown reason, for about a week or so. This is not unusual, this bird or possibly other birds peck on this aluminum light most mornings, why? 

                I wanted to refer to this bird as an, “Aluminum Pecker” but I thought, that term, “Aluminum Pecker” could be misunderstood.


May all things be normal for you!


Don Ford

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