
Friday, September 22, 2017

Fall my Donkey 09.22.17

                Yesterday, was Thursday September 22, 2017, it was 99 degrees in Hewitt TX. Unfortunately, it was not a record high for that day, but we found it very hot for the day before fall’s official start. Today, the official start of fall, it is only supposed to be in the mid-90s.

                Why did I use the word donkey in the title? Well, some of my readers are sensitive to certain language, and you know I am also sensitive to my reader’s needs. If Donkey don’t seem right for you then use one of the synonyms for donkey which are, ass, jackass, or jenny. For the one person who is not familiar with the terminology jenny, in this setting the term jenny refers to a female donkey, and not a woman.


                As usual I took the granddaughter to school this morning, and as usual I observed something that I find interesting. As I was attempting to exit the school parking area in to the heavy traffic, there was this motorcycle mixed in between the cars and trucks. There was a driver for this motorcycle and a passenger. The fact that the passenger was a female has nothing to do with this story. The passenger was looking down at the cell phone in her hands and I could see her thumbs moving so I know she was texting. I had never seen a person text while riding on a motorcycle. Dumb Donkey, or what other synonym you prefer!

                I guess I will stop with this wonderful writing and take a look at my dash cam. It was the cheapest I could find and it has served me fairly well for a couple years but it seems to have some type of problem so I will attempt to find the problem.


May your day be safe and relaxing!


Don Ford

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