
Monday, September 4, 2017

Labor Day Holiday 09.04.17

                Please take a moment and consider the title to this soon to be well written article.

                Have you considered the title and the meaning of those three words?
                As indicated in the title, this holiday is for labor. Possibly in the olden days the holiday meant something to most people, as most people actually labored in their daily work. Now days most people do not labor in their work and if they did there would be no need for all the so called gyms. When people labored they came home from work exhausted, they did not need to go out and exercise!
               If I am wrong, and I am not, the holiday is only for laborers. I am ok with that but I have a question! When are they going to have a holiday for retirees? Why do the labors get all the good time off? Retirees need a holiday and I have an idea. Your so called government needs to make a holiday for all retirees and it would be like this; if the retiree has reentered the work force he / she would get the day off, if the retiree has not reentered the work force he / she would get a day at work!
                I can see some of you like my idea! 
                Those of you who sit at a desk all day, are basically on holiday all the time anyway, so I don’t think they should make a holiday for you.

                Your thoughts on this subject will be discussed in an upcoming posting.

Happy holiday to all the laborers!

Don Ford

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