
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Free Food 11.10.16

            As you may well know, that is if you are a frequent consumer of my blog postings, being on a fixed income means that anytime free food, or for that matter, free anything is offered, those of us who are retired and on a fixed income must take advantage of most any free offer!
            Yesterday I had a free offer to enjoy a free noon repast (AKA Thanksgiving lunch) at the Do it Best Center in Waco, TX. Those of us who no longer have a job, must be open to any offer that might enhance or life, such as a free meal.
            The meal was good and I enjoyed speaking with old friends.
            After lunch I was invited to have my photo taken with team members who had served in the armed forces. I didn’t count but there may have been ten veterans in the photo.
            The lunch and photo cause me to begin thinking about free food on Friday, which is Veterans Day. I could get a free breakfast at one location, lunch at another and supper at a third. I would need something to show I had served in order to receive said food. My wondrous mind began considering how I could prove I had served, when suddenly it popped into my head, I could use a photo ID from my service.
                Retrieving the photo ID from my massive filing system (sock drawer), I noticed it had been issued June 27th, 1973, which is more than 10 years ago (43 years ago). For some reason the photo is of a younger, “Sargent Ford,” is that me?
You are correct, it is only part of the ID, but you are able to see the fine looking young man. Yes I have the entire ID.

            Say something nice to those who have served, it will make you feel good!

Sargent Ford, reporting for free food, Sir!

Don Ford

1 comment:

John Snider said...

Don, thanks for your service!