
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Black Friday 11.28.16

This most excellent article is about Black Friday. Now black Friday has nothing to do with minorities or the recent presidential race. It has to do mostly with people who think they are going to get some special deal that cost almost nothing! These people are willing to push and shove others in an effort to procure that one most excellent deal. If you are reading this posting, I can assume that you are not one of those people!
            I don’t participate in this event even though I do get up early but not that early. I don’t like to shop even on days when there are not thousands of crazy people in the stores, so naturally I would not get involved in black Friday. We do have friends who work as teams and attack the stores with the so called best deals.
            I did check with Santa to see if I should consider participating in this Black Friday scam, to remove money from the customers and help the store make a profit, and I was told, “you might want to as you have been naughty this year and I (Santa) will not bring you anything!” I hate it when Santa is brutally honest, he could have sugar coated that message a little!  

            I was forced to install Christmas decorations yesterday, maybe I will get off the naughty list with Santa and get something other than a lump of coal. Do you know, most kids and young people have never seen a lump of coal? Times have changed, and some of the changes have been good.
            The Ford Homestead Photographer took photos during the forced labor event yesterday (aka Christmas Decorating). The photo below shows Mr. Ford doing the work that should have been performed by the Grounds Manager. We see Mr. Ford putting up the lights along the roof edge and later he was on the ground crawling on his hands and knees. NO, he didn’t fall off the ladder! He was installing lights along the edge of the flower beds. Some people always think the worse about everything.

I hope you have a safe and fun Thanksgiving
with plenty of food, friends and family.

Don Ford

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