
Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Shadow Knows 11.12.16

            If you are my age or older, you will likely remember old time radio shows like Jack Benny, The Lone Ranger and many other programs. There were many radio programs that were considered as a thriller in those days, one was, “The Shadow.” Although this posting refers to the Shadow, it has nothing to do with old time radio shows, even though I still enjoy them on XM radio.
            During my early morning walks prior to the sun coming up, I walk under a couple different street lights. On several occasions I have observed my own shadow and that shadow has started me thinking.
It has occurred to me, that my changing shadow, as I walk away from the light, is much like life.
When I am directly under the light my shadow is small and very dark. This in life would be as a child is born. All is new, clear and sharp.
As I begin to walk away from under the light, my shadow begins to grow, stretching out slightly ahead of me, still sharp and easy to see. I believe this would be similar to a child beginning to grow, they learn many things, and are totally reliant on their parents.
A few more steps and the shadow is now as long as I am tall. In life this would be a teenager who in size, is as large, or larger than their parent. They believe they know everything and think they can defeat the world.
A few more steps and the shadow continues to grow. Although the shadow is distinct it is no longer as dark, instead becoming a dark gray. In life, this could be a young adult adjusting to life on their own, having a job, with many friends. Life is good, the person is healthy and happy.
A couple more steps and the shadow grows even longer with a lighter color of gray. In life, this would be middle aged, hopefully a spouse, possibly children, a home, two cars, and a job that demands much of your time. Your attention must be spread in many directions, there are many demands on your time.
A few steps more away from the light and the shadow is very long, it is a light gray which is becoming more difficult to see. In life you are close to or at retirement age. The children are grown and have children of their own. A few friends and family members       have passed. Your focus is now more or less on the daily routines, get up, eat, watch the news, maybe you have a part time job, pull a few weeds, maybe write a story or two.
The next few steps caused the shadow to almost disappear, it can barely be seen even if you concentrate. Trying to view the shadow is almost impossible, it is difficult to discern the shadow from the surrounding area. In life this would be for many, old age. Memories from your childhood may still seem clear to you but many things you did yesterday, can’t be recalled. People’s names are almost impossible to remember. Many things from your life have been forgotten, which now seem new to you, as if you were experiencing them for the first time. Your life consists of daily routines and daily schedules. You may feel as if you are no longer needed, you may be lonely and can’t understand why others do not visit you.   
Another step or two and the shadow is gone. Life is no more.

The above may seem morbid, it is not meant to be.
I believe it is fairly accurate, and possibly a reminder for each of us to, visit with, or at least call, older people you know, on a regular basis!

Don Ford

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