This soon to be well written posting, is about an illegal act that occurs daily in the fine City of Hewitt. Before you ask, yes the law knows and does nothing to stop it.
In past years I haven’t thought much about these illegal acts other than, large companies can get away with totally illegal acts! I can see that I now have your interest, so I will not name the company but say that they deliver packages and their initials are UPS. These acts start about October and go through early January, their busiest delivery period.
What is it they do that is illegal? They drive around our city in golf carts pulling a trailer. It is much cheaper to have employees in these vehicles loaded down with packages, than in real trucks. The golf cart is not street legal, does not have a license plate. The trailer also does not have a license plate. I did not think much about this as I had only seen them on our street in the past and the driver seemed to be driving in a safe manner.
The other day I was on my way to pick up the grandees at school when I came up behind one of these vehicles with a trailer on Spring Valley Road and he was running wide open at almost 10 mph. I followed him for about a city block and he turned off into a side street.
I don’t know how often they get off the side streets on the road ways but that is dangerous.
Yesterday, as I sat on the front veranda of the Ford Homestead, I observed one of these vehicles come down the street. The driver seem to be reading the house numbers and was driving fairly close to the curb, which seemed ok. He did have what appeared to be a cell phone in his hand, although it may have been a delivery device.
He went to the cul-de-sac, made a circle and came back up the avenue. He stopped at a house about half way up the avenue and made a delivery. He then continued coming up the avenue, driving close to the curb, on the wrong side of the street, for half a block. When he got to the intersection, still on the wrong side of the avenue, he gave a hand signal for a left turn.
Why give a hand signal for a turn when you are in a non-street legal vehicle, pulling a non-legal trailer and you are driving on the wrong side of the street? I bet he was instructed to give hand signals by his boss!
Turning left he did move over to the correct side of the road and proceeded down Arkansas Street.
There is a rumor that our president elect, is looking into this situation!
May your day be filled with legal actions!
Don Ford
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