
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Commercials 11.08.16

            As I sit here considering what to write today, it has come to my attention that I should right about myself. Lately I have been righting about others such as the fake person who found the penny, our grounds manager and the construction manager. Why give them all the attention when I need some attention too. (For that one person who noticed that write and writing were spelled, “right and righting”, those are attention getters, you know, a way of getting you interested in seeing what else I misspell, and reading the entire article about me.)

            Let’s get to me! I have been sick the last couple days. L Before that one person asks, “I have been physically sick, not mentally sick”. Why do I put up with that one person always on my case? Yes I had mild flu like symptoms for two days. Yes I had the flu shot. I can’t be sure but the Ford Homestead doctor thought I might have, “The Zika virus”, due to all the mosquitoes in the area. Yes I am better now, not that you asked!

            I think I need a part time job! Even though no one asked, why Don needs a part time job, I will tell you anyway. It has become painfully evident, due to my great powers of observation, and the fact that I have watched too much TV lately, (partly due to my almost fatal illness and partly due to the continuous rain) that I will likely go completely nutz, watching these awful commercials. I am not only referring to the commercials from the career politicians, AKA criminals, but commercials for anything, except those with red haired people in them. For some reason I do like humans who have natural red hair, or who have dyed their hair to look like natural red hair. For those who dye their hair red, and it don’t look natural, yuck!
            Having such great powers of observation, due to dealing with various people throughout my life, I do not watch these commercials to see what they are selling, but I critique the participants ruthlessly. Things that the observant producers should keep out of their commercials I see. You should start with the nose, is it too big or too small. What about the nose holes, is one larger than the other? Are the nose hole so small that you wonder how they get air in?
            Consider their eyes, most people have one eye larger than the other, I see that. Most people have eyes that are not even, one lower that the other. Have you noticed the eye brows that are drawn on some ladies, look extreme? Peoples hair, both men and women, my goodness, don’t they have combs.
            Ok, I will stop ranting, now you see why I need a part time job.

            I had earlier, in this well written article, referred to the almost continuous rain of late. I should state for the record, “It is still raining”, on Election Day. We have had 4.75 inches of rain here at the Homestead over the last week, and we had almost zero rain during the previous two months (Sept. Oct.). During the first 3 inches or so of this rain it was all being absorbed by the dry earth. After the first three inches, it has begun to run off and has caused some local flooding.

            On somewhat the same subject, this morning at about 6:30 I made an excellent cup of coffee and went to the front porch where I sat quietly, listening to the rain drops that were falling from the trees to the ground below. It wasn’t raining at this time, just the drops of water falling from the tree. Imagine if you will, that wonderful hot cup of coffee, the coolness of the morning air (60 degrees), and not a breath of air as the leaves on the trees were unusually still.
            The morning was so quite that it was almost disturbing. Before anyone asks, how a quite morning can be disturbing, I will attempt to enlighten. Seldom, here in the Lone Star State, is there not a breeze. There is almost always, a continuous breeze of some magnitude, but not this morning. There were no birds singing, I assume due to the wet weather, the only sound was the drops of water falling from the trees.
            I must say the quiet sound of the drops of water falling to the ground and a cup of good coffee was very relaxing.
            Off in the distance I began to hear a sound, it was faint but had the distinct sound of wind blowing through the trees, but there was no wind. I got up from my chair and looked in the direction of the sound. It was moving and increasing in sound, slowly. I knew the sound was moderately heavy rain, moving from the north to the south. There was still no wind as the rain move across our house. The rain had a calming and relaxing effect on me.

May you have a day without commercials!

Don Ford

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