
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Rhythm 11.29.16

            Can you believe how that word is spelled? Who the heck would know how to pronounce it, if it were the first time they had seen it? It should have been spelled, “Rithum”! Why don’t they come to me before they try to spell these words!
            Rithum defined,Movement, or sound marked by the regular recurrence or…”
I may have modified the definition somewhat to make it more relevant to my subject matter, do not look it up!
            Why would I come up with a subject like this? It has to do with my morning strolls. Not that anyone actually cares that I walk for 30 minutes at least 5 days per week, or that I have written about my meditative walking several times. This has little to do with meditation and more to do with rhythm. Now is a good time to stop reading this posting and go do something interesting!

            I walk with a walking stick (aka cane) not for stability, but to have something in my hand, and I usually carry the same one during my strolls down the avenue, although I have several canes / walking sticks, some that I have made, and some that were purchased.
            The other morning as I walked at my normal quick pace, which is very fast for a senior citizen, with my walking stick in my right hand, it became apparent that the stick tapped the street every other time my right foot impacted the street. Now that I am aware that the right foot and walking stick impacted the street at the same time, I began thinking about the rithum.
            I harkened back to basic training (could it have been 50 years ago, can I be that old) and all the marching, also known as, “Dismounted drill”, we had to do. Marching has a rithum of, “1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4” and I am somewhat experiencing that rithum now.
            I moved the walking stick into my left hand and continued walking. Strangely enough, the walking stick began impacting the street at the same time my left foot impacted. Why did it change when I changed hands? I did not do this knowingly!
            Walking stick in my right hand, I decided to make the stick impact the street when my left foot impacted. That is just the opposite of what I had been doing spontaneously. Being such a focused person, I was able to cause the left foot to impact the street while the walking stick was in my right hand. That worked for about three steps then I unwillingly reverted to spontaneous right hand and right foot
            I told you to stop reading this earlier, you should have listened.

            Below, I have placed a less than professional photo of a Red Oak tree located in front of the Ford Homestead. The less than professional photo, was taken by the Ford Homestead photographer. He will receive a written warning for this less than professional work!
            The photo was supposed to show you that some leaves had begun to change in color. Possibly you can still see the beginning of the leaf change at the Homestead. Get the leaf rake ready!


May you have a Rithumic day!
Don Ford               

Monday, November 28, 2016

We made it 11.28.16

            As the title states, we made it through the Thanksgiving holiday without any bad incidents. My present spouse cooked way too much food and we all enjoyed it. Family and friends were here and we all had a good time. Left overs were and are good!
            My first wife has placed many of our decorations in the yard several days ago, and is hoping to be able to finish the job by connecting all the wires today, (Saturday the 26th). One little problem has dropped in, it is raining! (Did you notice the use of dropped in, when referring to the rain, you know, rain drops? Why do I even try to make these stories interesting with cute comments?)
            We thought Saturday was going to be rain free, but the prognosticators were wrong. It hasn’t been raining hard so we were able to get some work completed after lunch. We had to decide where to have lunch, and how many aluminum cans will my present spouse need to pick up, in order to pay for the food.
            Let’s change the subject from the lack of funding at the Ford Homestead, to another favorite subject of mine. Let us talk about the so called service that others are supposed to provide.
            In a recent posting I described an unsafe situation cause by a delivery service. Without naming the delivery company, I will say that they have a fleet of brown delivery trucks.
            Recently, I was enjoying a cup of coffee on the front porch here at the Ford Homestead. It was raining lightly, (seems as if the topic of the day may be rain) as I observed the delivery guy driving the golf cart pulling a trailer, neither of which were street legal. I know these delivery people do occasionally toss packages around, but this was the first time I have observed them driving around pulling an open and uncovered trailer in the rain.
            If you get a package that is wet, it may have happened while riding in the rain on an open trailer.
            This same driver drove close to the curb again, on the wrong side of the street, and he gave a hand signal that he was turning left from the left side of the street. That’s just dumb!
            Well, the rain stopped so my present spouse was able to get most the wires connected and after dark the lights came on. We will need to do some timer adjustments, trying to get the on and off times within a minute of each group (there are four groups of lights).
            Sunday: after our brunch and my nap I proceeded out of the house to help my first wife who was finishing up the outside decorations. We adjusted the timers to come on and go off at the same time. We were outside at 5:30 pm and the lights all came on with in about 30 seconds. We were successful!
            Now my spouse of 47 years will begin the process of decorating the inside of the Ford Homestead.
            That is all for now, I need to get ready to go to the dentists, he is going to replace a filling.

Have a nice safe week!

Don Ford

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Black Friday 11.28.16

This most excellent article is about Black Friday. Now black Friday has nothing to do with minorities or the recent presidential race. It has to do mostly with people who think they are going to get some special deal that cost almost nothing! These people are willing to push and shove others in an effort to procure that one most excellent deal. If you are reading this posting, I can assume that you are not one of those people!
            I don’t participate in this event even though I do get up early but not that early. I don’t like to shop even on days when there are not thousands of crazy people in the stores, so naturally I would not get involved in black Friday. We do have friends who work as teams and attack the stores with the so called best deals.
            I did check with Santa to see if I should consider participating in this Black Friday scam, to remove money from the customers and help the store make a profit, and I was told, “you might want to as you have been naughty this year and I (Santa) will not bring you anything!” I hate it when Santa is brutally honest, he could have sugar coated that message a little!  

            I was forced to install Christmas decorations yesterday, maybe I will get off the naughty list with Santa and get something other than a lump of coal. Do you know, most kids and young people have never seen a lump of coal? Times have changed, and some of the changes have been good.
            The Ford Homestead Photographer took photos during the forced labor event yesterday (aka Christmas Decorating). The photo below shows Mr. Ford doing the work that should have been performed by the Grounds Manager. We see Mr. Ford putting up the lights along the roof edge and later he was on the ground crawling on his hands and knees. NO, he didn’t fall off the ladder! He was installing lights along the edge of the flower beds. Some people always think the worse about everything.

I hope you have a safe and fun Thanksgiving
with plenty of food, friends and family.

Don Ford

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Cold front passes 11.19.16

            As I was communicating with a neighbor, yes, some of them do talk with me, I noticed an interesting cloud formation so I took a photo. This photo was created just after the cold front went through our area, it is the backside of the wall of clouds. It was supposed to bring scattered rain but we saw none.
            When I returned to the Ford Homestead I learned that I had vertigo. If you haven’t experienced this medical problem, you are lucky. I did go to the doctor and he explained that the rocks in my head were causing the problem. I don’t need any comments from you about the rocks in my head, everyone has them.
            Evidently, these rocks send signals to your brain, which helps keep you in balance. When the rocks don’t work as they should, one may feel dizzy, out of balance or even have an upset stomach when the position of their head changes. So when you are experiencing vertigo, you do not want to move your head very much.
            One of the worst parts of this vertigo occurred when I wanted to take a nap. I had to keep my head more or less upright, and that doesn’t encourage nap time. Then I had to consider going to bed that night but not being able to roll over on my side, I am not a back sleeper.
            I learned that vertigo may occur at any age, but more to people in their 60s than other ages.       
            I am feeling better today, “This too shall pass!”
It is supposed to be down to 30 degrees tonight, which would be our first freeze of the season.

Have a good weekend!

Don Ford

Friday, November 18, 2016

Workers Compensation 11.18.16

            For that one individual who has never worked, workers compensation is a way to compensate employees who are hurt while working, and miss work due to the reported injury. Why should I bring this subject up in today’s posting, I will be happy to explain?
            Our grounds Manager, here at the Ford Homestead has stated that he was injured while working. He states, “I was lifting and carrying those heavy potted plants, and while doing so, I had to twist my body as I entered the outhouse with each heavy plant in hand. The twisting was necessary in order to place each plant properly on the temporary shelf. I felt a pain in my lower left side.”
            We have reviewed his statement and properly recorded it. My advice to him was, “Take two aspirin and you will be better tomorrow”. Can you believe, after all we have done for him that he would try to file a Workers Comp. Claim against the Ford Homestead?
            That was yesterday, today he is still complaining about being sore and feeling as if he strained something. I think he is faking it, or he is a wimp!

We will keep you informed!

May your staff work safely!

Don Ford

Thursday, November 17, 2016

It's here 11.17.16

            “It’s here”, refers to the moving of many flowers in heavy flower pots to the newly established green house. Our grounds manager asked to be on vacation this week but it was denied by our Chief Operating Officer (Donna).
            There are two reasons for moving the flowers to the green house and they are, (1) to protect them from the eventual coming of cold weather, (2) to get them out of the front yard before my spouse of 47 years forces me to help her begin installing the Christmas decorations”. I think she should work with, “The Ford Homestead Grounds Manager”, and let me rest but…
            Over many years I have noticed that my first wife has a tendency to pick the coldest and often most windy day to install these decorations. She has picked next week to do this set up, and the weather prognosticators are calling for a cold front of enormous proportions. That means I will be freezing my *^# off.
            Why do we have a grounds manager, if he can’t do the decorations?
            I digress: Back to the movement of flower pots.
            The grounds manager did a walk through with my present wife and she pointed out the flower pots that could stay and those that needed to be moved. I must say, the grounds manager worked many hours moving the heavy flower pots and the outhouse, it is full. (I like the name outhouse as a title better than green house).
            As you may be able to see, he has installed a temporary shelf allowing for additional potted plants to be placed inside the outhouse. These two photos show our Grounds Managers efforts at the outhouse.
       Maybe they call it a greenhouse due to the fact that one can see green through the clear or almost clear walls.
       Looking through the door inside the outhouse (below), we see many plants that have been stacked and packed. There is still a little room allowing the grounds manager to go inside and occasionally water the plants.
            The grounds manager went to town and bought the needed supplies to build two additional saw horses. He has assembled the new saw horses and placed them inside the outhouse, on which he placed a couple boards as a temporary shelf allowing the installation of additional flowers.

            I must admit, the grounds manager has done an excellent job!

Ready for the colder weather!

Don Ford

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Change good or bad 11.16.16

            All change is not necessarily positive. We will allow you to decide whether the change is either positive or not. Should this senior person continue to wear a hat or not? Yes, he should have had his glasses on in both photos, and it would have been nice if he could have smiled, but...
Please vote on the hat via The Ford Homestead website, (that does not exist) or reply to this email.

Hats are good in this cooler weather!

Don Ford

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Illegal but no one cares 11.15.16

            This soon to be well written posting, is about an illegal act that occurs daily in the fine City of Hewitt. Before you ask, yes the law knows and does nothing to stop it.
            In past years I haven’t thought much about these illegal acts other than, large companies can get away with totally illegal acts! I can see that I now have your interest, so I will not name the company but say that they deliver packages and their initials are UPS. These acts start about October and go through early January, their busiest delivery period.
            What is it they do that is illegal? They drive around our city in golf carts pulling a trailer. It is much cheaper to have employees in these vehicles loaded down with packages, than in real trucks. The golf cart is not street legal, does not have a license plate. The trailer also does not have a license plate. I did not think much about this as I had only seen them on our street in the past and the driver seemed to be driving in a safe manner.
            The other day I was on my way to pick up the grandees at school when I came up behind one of these vehicles with a trailer on Spring Valley Road and he was running wide open at almost 10 mph. I followed him for about a city block and he turned off into a side street.
            I don’t know how often they get off the side streets on the road ways but that is dangerous.
            Yesterday, as I sat on the front veranda of the Ford Homestead, I observed one of these vehicles come down the street. The driver seem to be reading the house numbers and was driving fairly close to the curb, which seemed ok. He did have what appeared to be a cell phone in his hand, although it may have been a delivery device.
            He went to the cul-de-sac, made a circle and came back up the avenue. He stopped at a house about half way up the avenue and made a delivery. He then continued coming up the avenue, driving close to the curb, on the wrong side of the street, for half a block. When he got to the intersection, still on the wrong side of the avenue, he gave a hand signal for a left turn.
            Why give a hand signal for a turn when you are in a non-street legal vehicle, pulling a non-legal trailer and you are driving on the wrong side of the street? I bet he was instructed to give hand signals by his boss!
            Turning left he did move over to the correct side of the road and proceeded down Arkansas Street. 

            There is a rumor that our president elect, is looking into this situation!

May your day be filled with legal actions!
Don Ford     

Monday, November 14, 2016

What a tail 11.14.16

            This short and sweet posting has a photo of Charlie as he lay on the driveway, the other day. I was positioned in the chair with the camera, (AKA cell phone) directly over the subject.
I was rocking in the old rocker when I noticed how carelessly he had positioned his posterior extremity (AKA Tail). I did not rock on his tail so no animals were hurt in this photoshoot.

            Just another relaxing moment at the Ford Homestead.

            Donna and I have been invited to have a thanksgiving lunch with the grandees at school today. The only problem is that their lunch periods are over an hour apart. 

May your posterior never get under the rocker!

Don Ford

Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Shadow Knows 11.12.16

            If you are my age or older, you will likely remember old time radio shows like Jack Benny, The Lone Ranger and many other programs. There were many radio programs that were considered as a thriller in those days, one was, “The Shadow.” Although this posting refers to the Shadow, it has nothing to do with old time radio shows, even though I still enjoy them on XM radio.
            During my early morning walks prior to the sun coming up, I walk under a couple different street lights. On several occasions I have observed my own shadow and that shadow has started me thinking.
It has occurred to me, that my changing shadow, as I walk away from the light, is much like life.
When I am directly under the light my shadow is small and very dark. This in life would be as a child is born. All is new, clear and sharp.
As I begin to walk away from under the light, my shadow begins to grow, stretching out slightly ahead of me, still sharp and easy to see. I believe this would be similar to a child beginning to grow, they learn many things, and are totally reliant on their parents.
A few more steps and the shadow is now as long as I am tall. In life this would be a teenager who in size, is as large, or larger than their parent. They believe they know everything and think they can defeat the world.
A few more steps and the shadow continues to grow. Although the shadow is distinct it is no longer as dark, instead becoming a dark gray. In life, this could be a young adult adjusting to life on their own, having a job, with many friends. Life is good, the person is healthy and happy.
A couple more steps and the shadow grows even longer with a lighter color of gray. In life, this would be middle aged, hopefully a spouse, possibly children, a home, two cars, and a job that demands much of your time. Your attention must be spread in many directions, there are many demands on your time.
A few steps more away from the light and the shadow is very long, it is a light gray which is becoming more difficult to see. In life you are close to or at retirement age. The children are grown and have children of their own. A few friends and family members       have passed. Your focus is now more or less on the daily routines, get up, eat, watch the news, maybe you have a part time job, pull a few weeds, maybe write a story or two.
The next few steps caused the shadow to almost disappear, it can barely be seen even if you concentrate. Trying to view the shadow is almost impossible, it is difficult to discern the shadow from the surrounding area. In life this would be for many, old age. Memories from your childhood may still seem clear to you but many things you did yesterday, can’t be recalled. People’s names are almost impossible to remember. Many things from your life have been forgotten, which now seem new to you, as if you were experiencing them for the first time. Your life consists of daily routines and daily schedules. You may feel as if you are no longer needed, you may be lonely and can’t understand why others do not visit you.   
Another step or two and the shadow is gone. Life is no more.

The above may seem morbid, it is not meant to be.
I believe it is fairly accurate, and possibly a reminder for each of us to, visit with, or at least call, older people you know, on a regular basis!

Don Ford

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Free Food 11.10.16

            As you may well know, that is if you are a frequent consumer of my blog postings, being on a fixed income means that anytime free food, or for that matter, free anything is offered, those of us who are retired and on a fixed income must take advantage of most any free offer!
            Yesterday I had a free offer to enjoy a free noon repast (AKA Thanksgiving lunch) at the Do it Best Center in Waco, TX. Those of us who no longer have a job, must be open to any offer that might enhance or life, such as a free meal.
            The meal was good and I enjoyed speaking with old friends.
            After lunch I was invited to have my photo taken with team members who had served in the armed forces. I didn’t count but there may have been ten veterans in the photo.
            The lunch and photo cause me to begin thinking about free food on Friday, which is Veterans Day. I could get a free breakfast at one location, lunch at another and supper at a third. I would need something to show I had served in order to receive said food. My wondrous mind began considering how I could prove I had served, when suddenly it popped into my head, I could use a photo ID from my service.
                Retrieving the photo ID from my massive filing system (sock drawer), I noticed it had been issued June 27th, 1973, which is more than 10 years ago (43 years ago). For some reason the photo is of a younger, “Sargent Ford,” is that me?
You are correct, it is only part of the ID, but you are able to see the fine looking young man. Yes I have the entire ID.

            Say something nice to those who have served, it will make you feel good!

Sargent Ford, reporting for free food, Sir!

Don Ford

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

It's over 11.09.16

It’s over, thank goodness!

May your life without politics,
again be enjoyable!

Don Ford

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Commercials 11.08.16

            As I sit here considering what to write today, it has come to my attention that I should right about myself. Lately I have been righting about others such as the fake person who found the penny, our grounds manager and the construction manager. Why give them all the attention when I need some attention too. (For that one person who noticed that write and writing were spelled, “right and righting”, those are attention getters, you know, a way of getting you interested in seeing what else I misspell, and reading the entire article about me.)

            Let’s get to me! I have been sick the last couple days. L Before that one person asks, “I have been physically sick, not mentally sick”. Why do I put up with that one person always on my case? Yes I had mild flu like symptoms for two days. Yes I had the flu shot. I can’t be sure but the Ford Homestead doctor thought I might have, “The Zika virus”, due to all the mosquitoes in the area. Yes I am better now, not that you asked!

            I think I need a part time job! Even though no one asked, why Don needs a part time job, I will tell you anyway. It has become painfully evident, due to my great powers of observation, and the fact that I have watched too much TV lately, (partly due to my almost fatal illness and partly due to the continuous rain) that I will likely go completely nutz, watching these awful commercials. I am not only referring to the commercials from the career politicians, AKA criminals, but commercials for anything, except those with red haired people in them. For some reason I do like humans who have natural red hair, or who have dyed their hair to look like natural red hair. For those who dye their hair red, and it don’t look natural, yuck!
            Having such great powers of observation, due to dealing with various people throughout my life, I do not watch these commercials to see what they are selling, but I critique the participants ruthlessly. Things that the observant producers should keep out of their commercials I see. You should start with the nose, is it too big or too small. What about the nose holes, is one larger than the other? Are the nose hole so small that you wonder how they get air in?
            Consider their eyes, most people have one eye larger than the other, I see that. Most people have eyes that are not even, one lower that the other. Have you noticed the eye brows that are drawn on some ladies, look extreme? Peoples hair, both men and women, my goodness, don’t they have combs.
            Ok, I will stop ranting, now you see why I need a part time job.

            I had earlier, in this well written article, referred to the almost continuous rain of late. I should state for the record, “It is still raining”, on Election Day. We have had 4.75 inches of rain here at the Homestead over the last week, and we had almost zero rain during the previous two months (Sept. Oct.). During the first 3 inches or so of this rain it was all being absorbed by the dry earth. After the first three inches, it has begun to run off and has caused some local flooding.

            On somewhat the same subject, this morning at about 6:30 I made an excellent cup of coffee and went to the front porch where I sat quietly, listening to the rain drops that were falling from the trees to the ground below. It wasn’t raining at this time, just the drops of water falling from the tree. Imagine if you will, that wonderful hot cup of coffee, the coolness of the morning air (60 degrees), and not a breath of air as the leaves on the trees were unusually still.
            The morning was so quite that it was almost disturbing. Before anyone asks, how a quite morning can be disturbing, I will attempt to enlighten. Seldom, here in the Lone Star State, is there not a breeze. There is almost always, a continuous breeze of some magnitude, but not this morning. There were no birds singing, I assume due to the wet weather, the only sound was the drops of water falling from the trees.
            I must say the quiet sound of the drops of water falling to the ground and a cup of good coffee was very relaxing.
            Off in the distance I began to hear a sound, it was faint but had the distinct sound of wind blowing through the trees, but there was no wind. I got up from my chair and looked in the direction of the sound. It was moving and increasing in sound, slowly. I knew the sound was moderately heavy rain, moving from the north to the south. There was still no wind as the rain move across our house. The rain had a calming and relaxing effect on me.

May you have a day without commercials!

Don Ford

Monday, November 7, 2016

Penny Continued 11.07.16

        Would you believe that there were comments about my previous posting?  Actually, these comments shows that some of my many, “non-readers”, have read at least part of one of my most excellent postings. The comments were, “Why are you superstitious”, and “Drama Queen!
            First, I am not a drama queen, I am a drama king! I am ok with this comment!
            Second, this person thought I believed that a penny foretells good things to come!
            I would like to know, why would someone think I am superstitious? 
            I can only assume that when this person read my previous posting, he/she thought I was talking about myself, when in fact I was not referring to myself, if you re-read the posting, I referred to, “he”, an unnamed person.
            Now let’s consider another part of the story! Why were you concerned about the penny and not how bad the person referred to in the posting was injured? You have shown no concern for your fellow man! Was his knees cut badly enough that he had to go to the doctor? You didn’t ask anything about his wellbeing! Shame on you!
        Had you been paying attention, you would have noticed that there was a strange voice in the shadows. Was the subject in the posting assaulted, or was he helped?
        Try paying a little more attention to the story line.

        Now let me explain how the subject of this posting, was able to have good things happen after finding a heads up penny.  It has to do with positive thinking. Let me explain, if you have positive thoughts about something, such as getting a new widget, the positive thoughts lead to positive actions. Positive thoughts and actions make things happen such as getting a new widget.

        I hope the above provides enough information about the previous posting.
Although no one asked, the story was totally made up, no one fell, there was no penny, and no mysterious voice in the bushes. I made it all up just to present you with a learning experience about being more positive.

A penny for your thoughts!
                                    Did you get that second reference to a penny?

Don Ford

Saturday, November 5, 2016

A Penny 11.05.16

            It was a very dark and quite morning, as he began his morning walk. The darkness seemed to close in around him, causing him to be glad he had a flash light just in case he heard something in the darkness, and even though he didn’t need it to walk, he always carried a cane.  At the end of the street there is a light, high atop the pole, which offered some reassurance as he ventured through the darkness. 
            Something just ran across the road, he immediately activated the flash light which exposed a rabbit who seemed to have no fear of his presence. Strolling on toward the light he, for just a quick second, saw a small, round object, lying on the pavement, then it was gone. He wondered, what it could have been, as he stopped walking. No longer seeing the object, he stepped back a step or two. There, there it is, reflecting a small amount of light from the street light which is still a couple hundred feet away.
            Now that he can see the object again he turns on the flash light and walks toward the item. It is a coin, a penny, and yes it is heads up! Even though no one was there to share the moment, he had a big smile on his face. You see, finding a penny heads up has always been a sign of good luck, for him and his wife, from the time that they were first married through present day.
            He placed the penny in his pocket and proceeded with his walk. As he walked he began wondering, “What type of good luck would this penny bring them”. Does it mean something nice will happen, or could it mean a new item for their home? Many possibilities were being process as he walked in complete disregard to his surroundings. He thought, maybe he would win the lottery, but to do that, he would need to purchase a ticket.
            Completing the first lap of the block he was feeling very good, still considering what he would do if he in fact did win the lottery. He would first share it with his sons, then a couple charities and then a little just to waste on non-essential items.
            Even though it was still very dark, he seemed to not be so wary of the darkness. He was no longer considering the possibility that someone might be hiding in the darkness, just waiting for the opportunity to mug him, after all, he is in his own neighborhood. He was rather quickly walking toward the light, still considering the possibilities of his coming good fortune. 
            Then it happened, he stepped on something which turned his ankle to the side causing him to stumble, and start to fall. He dropped his flash light and his cane as he fell to his knees on the hard pavement.
            It took a few seconds for him to evaluate whether he was hurt or not, as he felt around the pavement for his cane and flash light. His knees were hurting and felt as if they may be cut and bleeding. He found his cane and flash light but the light no longer worked.
            Getting to his feet, he began to limp through the darkness toward the street light, in an effort to see his injuries. Off to his left, there was a sound of shrubbery being moved, as if something, or someone was hiding and moving in them.
            From the darkness in the direction of the shrubbery, there was a rough sounding low voice that said, “Hay man, do you need some help?” To say he was startled, would be an understatement.
            Knees hurting and probably bleeding he knew he could not run, so what should he do.

On a different subject:
            We have enjoyed a couple good days of rain. The first day we had about 1.75 inches of rain, then a day without rain and last night as I slept, unknown to me, it was again raining. The rain gage shows another inch of rain over night. The forecast is for additional rain over the next few days. I wonder if the rain was due to many prayers, asking for a few days of area wide rain to help our dry cracked ground, or was it just good luck. Believe as you may, we got the needed rain and hope for more.

On a different subject:
            If you haven’t early voted, then remember to vote on Tuesday, the 8th! If you can’t vote for a candidate, then feel free to vote against a candidate!

May all be well in your life!

Don Ford

Thursday, November 3, 2016

It is Raining 11.03.16

            Today is Thursday, November 3, 2016 and it is kinda raining. Yep, a cold front came through and it is allowing some light rain to fall on the Ford Homestead.
            As I sit here on the front porch, an hour before sun rise, I have been watching the neighbors go to work. There are at least 3 retired people in our block that leave almost every morning to go to their place of employment. Another neighbor will be retiring this week, not sure his wife is ready for him to be home all the time!
            There are rain drops falling from the trees onto the grass, and I am sitting here enjoying the sounds. It isn’t a hard rain, but it is rain! I have a cup of coffee in hand (small amounts going into my mouth occasionally) and it is an hour before sunrise. No I didn't walk today due to the rain, but I might walk a little later after the sun gets up, if it stops raining.

            On a different subject, a friend and I was talking when the subject of Blog posting came up and he commented on the blog dashboard. I noted that the word dashboard to me, refers to a car, not a work area on the computer and I did not like or accept the use of dashboard when referring to a computer program.
            With that thought in mind, I have accepted the term, “Mouse”, which use to have only one meaning. Heck, my cats have never lived during a time when there was only one type of mouse.     
            There is a commercial where the male voice explains that, “hiring employees is the worst part of his job, but using a certain program on his computer, it brings hundreds of applicants to his dashboard making it easy to hire employees”. I still do not like the term dashboard, and I believe the worst part of a job is, firing a person.  
            Ok, the rain has stopped, so I had better go for my walk before it starts again.

May your dash board be in a 57 Chevy!

Don Ford           

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Popular demand 11.01.16

            I am here to inform those of you who may be uninformed, today is the first day of November and this weekend is when we should turn our time back and hour, “Spring forward, Fall back”.
            Now that I have completed my civic duty of providing needed information, I will proceed to our subject of the day which is, “acorn photos”.
            Due to popular demand, I have taken a couple photos for the non-readers in our group, which may allow them to understand the magnitude of this year’s acorn crop.
            The first photo shows an area that had been cleared of acorns the day before, the photo was taken. This shows that removing the acorns is a never ending job for the grounds manager.
            This area has little grass as it only gets sunlight in the very early morning. The grounds manager will be incorporating this area into the Jasmine bed during the winter months, if it ever gets cold, or when the red blocks go on sell. Being on a fixed income, the purchase of items that are deemed to be non-essential must be postponed until there is a sale.
            The next photo was taken yesterday, also in a flower bed area that gets little sunlight. You will see a carpet of acorns. Now use your imagination and visualize this amount of acorns hidden in the grass areas. (In an effort to provide full transparency, you see I am trying to be politically correct, the following photo is of an area were acorns that have fell on the house, roll off the roof and gather on the ground. The grass may not have quite this many acorns.) Click on the photo to enlarge.
I must go supervise the acorn removal in the front yard, I hope you have a good day!

May your day not be filled with acorns!

Don Ford