
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What in the World? 08.06.14

                What kind of a world is it when a senior citizen on a fixed income goes to get his hair cut and…
                The day started for me as most days do with a visit to the throne room. After a few relaxing moments I go to the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal, then back into the living room to watch the so called news.
                I could do the weather reports during the month of August.  Hot and dry today, tomorrow and for the next few weeks.
                After about 15 minutes of the TV news, I make a cup of coffee and sit back in the recliner to enjoy the moment. It is about then that I remember I have an appointment at the District Attorney’s office. They are not investigating me, they do need a statement from me about a fire that resulted in two deaths, over a quarter century ago.
                I decided I had better get going on my morning walk. I was actually about 20 minutes later than normal, starting the walk. The walk was basically the same as every morning but it seemed as if it was warmer than usual.
                During the morning constitutional the perspiration was literally dripping off my hair down the back of my neck. This is a good indicator that I need a haircut. I made the decision to get my hair cut today. 
                After cooling down, following the morning walk, I headed to the shower. After a thorough body cleaning and some clean clothes, I left the house at 9:00am and drove to the haircut place. I don’t know what to call the shop, it is not a barber shop. Maybe it is a hair dresser.
                Cut it short please, was my request to the lady with the clippers. This lady did exactly as I requested. When finished she asked if she had cut the top shore enough. I looked into the mirror and my hair was more than short enough.
                We walked to the checkout counter (they give us senior citizens a one dollar cut on price) when she punched something into the computer / cash register. She then announced that my hair cut is free. Surprised but happy, I said thank you and gave her a nice tip. 
I hope your day is better than mine and mine has been good.
Don Ford

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