As I was walking this morning my nimble mind began to process information. My extraordinary brain does not need to function for at least an hour after I get up. I do the same thing every morning and I do not need to use my large brain to have a cup of coffee.
When I begin to walk each morning, I have four basic gates. A gate is basically the speed I am walking. This should not be confused with a five gated horse which basically has five speeds and different ways to move. I have ridden a five gated horse and it is fun.
Stride-ology is the science of walking or striding. We study stride-ology here at, “The Ford Homestead”, and have several graduates.
If you are interested in the science of Stride-ology let me know. We have one opening in our class, “Stride-ology 101”, which begins September 1st.
During my morning stroll I typically begin at my slowest pace (this pace is called meandering). This allows my elderly body to adjust to movement. The few muscles I have left in my body needs to be warmed up properly before increasing the pace.
I also meditate during this, “meandering pace”, considering the many blessings I have had and hoping I can be a blessing to someone today.
After about five minutes I increase the pace to what is known as, “rapid step pace”, this will increase my heart rate and increase my breathing rate. This is the speed I want to walk at, for about 20 minutes, in order to accomplish my goal.
When walking at “rapid step pace” I occasionally begin to breathe through my mouth. At this point I will slow my pace slightly to what is known as, “quick step pace”. As soon as the breathing rate is back to no mouth breathing I again pick up the speed to the “rapid step pace”.
When I have completed my walking at, “the rapid pace”, I slow down to what is known as, “normal pace”. Normal pace is the speed that I would walk in a mall going from one store to another. There is no increased heart rate when walking at the normal pace, and it is my cool down speed prior to returning to the Homestead.
On a different subject; I was sitting at my desk trying to type into this computer when Alex approached me. He noted that he wanted to play a game on my computer. I explained that I was using the computer and he would need to wait. Alex then explained that I could take my computer into the front room and he could play his game on the other computer.
Smart kid, I started the old PC for him to play his game on and I was banished to the front room.
Almost 2.5 inches of rain fell in Hewitt yesterday. I had only asked for half to three fourths inch of rain, I got more than I expected. We needed the rain as the ground was very dry. At one point there was about 3 inches of water standing in the back yard and the flower beds had an inch or so of water standing in them. This morning when I jumped out of bed I went to the back door to see if it had rained more overnight. To my surprise there was no standing water anywhere. The ground was like a dry sponge and had soaked up all the water.
I hope your stride is not too slow.
Don Ford
From a magnificent imagination.
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