There was a comment from a Professor and a good friend. His comment was in response to the last posting comparing memorizing to learning. He suggested that the next posting contemplate, “Does a tree make a sound when it falls if no one was there to hear it.”
I would be happy to clear this quandary up, while explaining it in terms that everyone will understand.
First I would like to show you a few berries that were picked this morning and eaten by the grand kids.
The largest was 1.5 inches.
Below is a photo of the second flower bed that I reworked.
You are correct if you are thinking that I did an excellent job and it was hard work for this senior citizen.
I took my truck to the shop this morning for some repair and the lady that brought me home referred to our house as being colorful. I guess the red paint does stand out a little.
Back to the original thought, “Does a tree make a sound when it falls if no one was there to hear it.” I believe I will be able to explain this, in enough detail that all discussion on the subject will stop.
What do I mean by ending all discussions? I mean worldwide debate on this topic will stop after I have provided the enlightenment.
The answer is, “yes the tree makes a sound when it falls, even when there is no one to hear it”. How did I come to that answer?
I and a few helpers from, “The Ford Homestead” went to the woods outside of town. We picked a day that was windy. We found a thirty foot tall tree and using an ax we cut it to a point that it was ready to fall. We positioned two tape recorders near the tree and we walked away. We sat on top a hill where we could see the top of the tree but could not hear it if it fell.
It took several hours for the wind to cause the tree to fall. When we saw the top of the tree go down we walked back to the site. Both tape recorders recorded the sound of the tree falling. That is proof that even though a person is not there to hear the sounds of a tree falling, it still makes a sound. Recording are the proof.
If you would like the written documentation and a CD of the sounds, please send $50.00 to, “The Ford Homestead Tree Falling Sounds”. Allow 4 to 6 years for delivery.
May today be better than the best day of your life, but not as good as tomorrow.
Don Ford
All the information in this article is true, even though some things may not have happened as presented. Truth like beauty, can be in the eye of the beholder.
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