
Friday, August 15, 2014

What a tangled web we weave... 08.15.14

                Today is August 15th, and I made it through yesterday (my birthday) without any incidents.  The day was basically a normal day except I received several calls from friends and family wishing me a happy birthday.
                For those of you who sent gifts and money, I would like to say thank you. To that one person who sent can goods as a gift, we appreciate the thought and this will allow my wife of 45 years to have a break from picking up cans and road kill.
                For those procrastinators, gifts and money will still be accepted through the end of the month.
                My surprise birthday party was appreciated. This surprise birthday party is the, “only birthday party” that I can recall through my entire life. Before you ask, there was a birthday cake and I did receive gifts. The big gift was a new bicycle. I believe I was 10 years old at this surprise party. 
                At my present age, (a little over 40 years old) a surprise party could be fatal.
On a different subject: as I was completing my morning walk, I noticed an artful design off to my left. Even though I was hot and sweaty I decided to get a closer look. There was a web that went from a tree limb about ten feet above the ground down to the ground. I assumed there would be a large garden spider on the web. (Garden spider is what we called extra-large yellow and black spiders in the olden days).
                The spider was actually a small dime sized spider. I sprayed the web with a mist of water so it could be photographed better.
It is amazing all the things one can see if they are just observant of things around them.
                On a totally different subject, my present spouse asked if I could make something for her. She had a pattern that I used and I must say I made this thing look better than the pattern.
What is it?
It is supposed to be a deer. It will be painted or stained in some manner and then decorated for Christmas. My first wife said I may be allowed to install a red light for the nose.
I hope you have a very nice weekend.
Don Ford

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