
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Unsuccessful Saturday ride

               If you read the heading you now know the entire story of the unsuccessful Saturday ride; you may stop reading now.
               Thanks and have a successful day.
               For the diehard person that did not read the heading I will tell you a short story.
This story begins on a cloudy ugly Saturday morning. My wife of 44 years was heading off to see if she could purchase some junk that other people wanted to throw away; she was going garage selling.
I, not wanting to be left home alone again, foolishly decided to go for a ride. I planned thought of a ride that would take a couple hours ending up at the Bunk House in Clifton, Texas for lunch. My assumption was, the clouds and fog will lift and it will turn into a very nice day for a ride.
(When you assume you make an ass out of you and me ass/u/me. I should have planned the ride and put some real thought into it, I would have been better off.)
I checked with the retiree across the street to see if he wanted to bring his Gold Wing out for a morning ride. He “wisely” declined.
I had a route in mind that would take a couple hours. You are correct; I did not want to be home alone so I opted to ride solo. (I think that is still alone.)  I started the ride under cloudy skies. These clouds were not high clouds; instead they were low to the ground and varying in density. I assumed the clouds were going to dissipate as I rode but they didn’t. They were actually getting darker and more threatening.  I persisted in moving forward choosing to ignore the possibility of rain falling on me.
I rode to and through Mother Neff State Park. The road on the other side of the park is a winding slow riding road that is possibly 8 miles long with about 5 houses on the road. As I was riding this road my allergies began to affect me. My eyes were starting to itch and my throat was beginning to tickle. 
I took this photo while on the back road; it appeared there had been a strong breeze.
I decided I would end the ride and turn for home when I reached the end of this road. There were some sprinkles hitting my windshield which help me make the decision to abort the mission ride. I assumed that my allergies would be killing me by the time I arrived back home but the faster paced riding seemed to help clear the allergies.
Arriving back home alone I decided to do what any self-respecting retired person would do, I took a nap.  My naps aren’t usually very long but this one lasted about 30 minutes. To my surprise when I woke the sun was shining and it had turned out to be a nice day.
The sun shining was both good and bad. Good because it was a fine day to be alive. Bad because I now was going to mow the front yard.
“Plan” you day, you will have more fun.
Don Ford

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