
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It rained, Prayer answered

Well I don’t think the nude rain dance in my back yard was the catalyst for the recent rain but I am sure most of the neighbors enjoyed the dancing.

               On Saturday August 19th, it rained on Hewitt Texas.  The rains were more than the weather people were predicting.  The rain started sometime in the night and continued into the day. My rain gage had 1.50 inches of water when the rain finally subsided.
               This morning as usual, I put the coffee on and made a bowl of creel. I went into the garage and open the garage door then I got Tejas’ morning food. It was unusually cool for August and Tejas noticed that is was cloudy. We went back inside; I turned the TV and computer on. It wasn’t more than a minute later when Alex came in wanting to know where Gran was. Gran is short for Grandma.  I suggested that she may have gone out front to get the newspaper. Alex turned and ran for the front door. A minute or so later both Alex and Gran came in noting that it is raining.  I was surprised saying, I was just outside and it wasn’t raining.
               Rain in Hewitt, TX is now a spectator sport. Gran, Alex and I went out into the garage positioned our chairs up next to open overhead door and watched it rain. We all had our drinks (coffee, tea, a smoothie) as we watched the rain drops fall. Tejas went out an lay in the yard allowing the soft rain to cover his coat.
               Changing the subject:
The photo was taken yesterday as Tejas was eating his morning food. Alex was inspecting the process. Years ago when Gabi first came on the scene, Tejas and I had a serious discussion about the grand kids. We decided that Tejas would never growl at the kids and he would be their playmate and protector.  He has never shown any anger at the grand kids even allowing them to remove a ball from his food bowl while he was eating.
               One last comment about the weather; it was unusually cool yesterday and last night. It is not supposed to be cool in Texas in August. It is kind of like being in a northern state.

From the cool mind of     Don Ford

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