
Friday, August 24, 2012

A Cash Crop

            Cash crops mean extra money and for those of us on a fixed income extra money is a real blessing.

               I heard an unusual noise in the back yard and the grandkids were playing there, so I decided to check it out. The grand kids were having a good time and not aware of the noise.
               This noise was coming from the tree top. As I walked into the back yard I was first greeted by our trusted guard dog Tejas.  As I took a few steps into the yard two birds flew from the tree top. One was a large hawk and the other was a blue jay.
               The hawk makes a screeching sound and the blue jay makes an obnoxious sound but when you put them both together it is one bad racket.
The blue jay was harassing the hawk. It is not unusual to see small birds harassing the hawks. The hawk could and would kill and eat the smaller bird but the smaller bird can out maneuver the hawk.
Back to my original thought;
Cash crops vary and some are worth more than others. Our neighbor has a garden with tomatoes and squash. These are good to eat but if you want to sell them to the neighbors for cash, you will not be successful.
Pecans on the other hand sell rather quickly on the open market. In the photo below you see just a few of the outstanding and may I say large soft shell pecans on out tree.  I have been very watchful for squirrels this year and I intend to see that they leave our neighborhood without a single pecan.
There are other cash crops that will bring more money, notably cannabis has a tendency to provide a larger return on investment.  There are other names for the cannabis plant such as grass or weed. I do not understand why it is called weed or grass; my 5 plants which are about 6 foot tall now, don’t look anything like grass.
My wife suggested using one of the cannabis plants in the house with Christmas ornaments in December.  I don’t like that idea as the lights might dry the plant out and then it could go up in smoke.
(I am sure the last statement may have been too subtle for a couple of my readers so if you don’t get the joke send me an email and I will explain it.)
From the drug free mind of                          Don Ford
All rights reserved; any reproduction or distribution without written permission is strictly prohibited. (fiction)

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