We may occasionally become overwhelmed with bad news about the economy and many other negative items. We should occasionally stop and take time to appreciate or blessing. What? You want to know what I consider a blessing; ok I will name a couple.
Yesterday June 7th, 2012 was a mile stone in the life of Don Ford. I finally received the public acknowledgment that I so rightly deserved for many years. Thursday started with light rain, lots of clouds; the night before we received a badly needed 2.5 inches of rain. All the yards in our neighborhood said thank you to Mother Nature for the rain. The numerous cracks that were in my yard are now closed. There was water standing in my back yard for a couple hours before it was soaked up by the thirsty ground.
I had decided earlier in the week to ride to the Bunkhouse for lunch. I like to give my wife plenty of room when she is cleaning the house and that is a Thursday project.
I had sent an email to the guys letting them know that I planned to go to the Bunkhouse just in case anyone wanted to go along. I watched the weather radar all Thursday morning (did you know radar is spelled the same forward or backward, and my cell phone number is the same forward or backwards) hopeful that the light rain would stop between Hewitt and Clifton, it did. This was the first sign that I was having a good day, although I had not yet recognized it.
Glen and I left the house about 11:00 (Glen went to the gas station and I went to the bank) we met on a service road just off Hwy 6. We rode to the intersection of Hwy 6 and 185 where we stopped and waited on Wayne. Wayne was a no show.
About 11:30 Glen and I were back on the road heading for the Bunkhouse. When we arrived at the Bunkhouse parking lot there was a car that pulled out leaving us a VIP parking spot. This was the second sign that should have let me know that I was about to receive recognition for my life long accomplishments.
We dismounted our bikes and prepared to enter the Bunkhouse. As you enter the door you immediately make a right turn, proceed up a ramp that is about 30 feet long. At the top of the ramp we make a left and step into the Bunkhouse. Immediately to your right is the fellow that cuts all the meat, he is the owner. He always has a cowboy hat on and always greets the customers with a big smile and a Howdy, welcome.
The girl that takes your order is standing at the cash register next to the owner. I gave her my order and received my discount (10 % off on Thursdays). She handed me my ticket stub and that is when I started feeling good. My number was “1”. Yes you heard me; I was number one “1”. We found a table, got our drinks and sit down. When the lady brings out your food she calls out your number and you raise your hand so she knows whose food she has. I heard the words, “number one”, I raised my hand, yes I am number one. You can’t top being, “number one”, and I assume being number one may have been the reason we were not rained on during our ride.
As I stated earlier, “we should take time to be thankful for our blessings”. We see in the photo below some vegetables from Keith’s garden (the peppers are from our two plants). Although it may not be evident in the photo those onions are 5 inches in diameter. Those are the best onions we have ever had, they are not strong and they go well with anything that requires onions. Keith has been blessed with a green thumb and also blessed with a wet spring and no late frost. He has been blessed with an outstanding garden this year.
Keith has brought us vegetables on several occasions. We have been blessed with Keith.
We have received rain when we need it and in our area, we have not had any violent storms. We are reasonable healthy for persons of our age. I could go on and on with a list of blessings but I will stop.
The rose below with the two buds next to it is a blessing of beauty.
Possibly each of us should take a minute and think how we have been blessed.
From the blessed mind of Don Ford have a blessed day.
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