
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

On My Knees Again

            As I kneel here in deep thought pondering the meaning of life I…

Well, it is another hot day in Texas and summer isn’t here yet. The weather guy said there is a slight chance of rain.  That means it isn’t going to rain but we don’t want you to lose hope.
My wife decided to can tomatoes today, which dramatically adds to the heat in the house. Keith brought us a bunch of very nice tomatoes and Donna decided to can them. I have eaten some of the tomatoes with a little salt, Nice! Keith has brought us other vegies from his garden and we do appreciate them. We have only seen photos of his garden (below) but we understand it is huge.  A big Thanks to Keith (we don’t have to eat road kill tonight)
For some reason this year the heats seems to bother me more than in the past. I just don’t like to be sweating with my clothes sticking to me and sweat dripping onto my glasses.  When I am working outside I try to work in the shade. Most often we have a breeze and that helps keep me somewhat cooler.
I still have several projects to do outside but I am not real enthusiastic about getting them done. Today I am tackling the flower bed behind our house near our bed room. I am on my knees pulling weeds and picking up snail shells.
I water this flower bed daily.  As I crawl around on my hands and knees, my hand are getting muddy. That could mean I am over watering. As I kneel here with my knee pads on I find it difficult to believe I, would over water. I am a master in waterology (the study of proper watering techniques) and should not make watering errors.
In the above photo you see the flower bed I was forced to work in this morning. I pulled weeds until I got to the sunny part of the flower bed (on the right and not in the photo) and I stopped. I got all but about 2 feet. If it gets cloudy I will again get on my knees.   
We can also see what is left over of an old clothes line. The post was originally there to hold up a wood fence. The fence was there to keep kids and others out of the swimming pool. As time passed the pool was not used and it went away along with the fence.
Some of you may not be familiar with a clothes line so I will explain. They were used to hang clothes on after washing them. The clothes are air dried and when you put sheets and pillow cases on the bed after they had been hung outside the bed feels good and smelled fresh.
Mom used a clothes line; there was 4 separate clothes lines on the two poles. When she would hang sheets out to dry I would get in between the lines and the wet sheets and clothes would deaden the sounds.  It would be strangely quite in between the wet items on the clothes line. 
I had put out some slug and snail bait and I must say it works. The snails were everywhere eating everything and now they are no more.
I need to cut the tops of the tall bushes at the north end of the house (photo below).  I don’t know what they are called but I will need a ladder. They are as high as the top of the house and rubbing the wall and roof. Whatever they are, they are blooming now and it will seem odd that I trim them while in bloom. Once I cut them I will need to carry the cutting to the back yard and put them on the trailer.
We have some cactus on the end of the house and for some reason it is growing just fine. There are weeds growing in the cactus and they will be difficult to pull.
Above is in the front of our homestead, another flower bed I am forced to work in.
My mind just flashed to breakfast burritos for some reason. It is 4:00pm and I am not hungry but I started thinking about the burrito. I often have flash backs; that is often associated with drug use. I have never used drugs and have never even smoked marijuana.  I don’t think I have missed out on anything by not using drugs.

From the knelling mind of              Don Ford

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