
Monday, June 12, 2017

Skinny dipping 06.12.17

                Let’s start with a different subject. I find it interesting that no one noticed that I was not blogging last week. Would you believe I was in the hospital for an operation? Would you even care that I was in the hospital for an operation, probably not!
                Well, I was not in the hospital! I was out of town on a trip to my former home state. Yes I went back to Missouri, driving up on Monday, 11.5 hours, staying three days and returning on Friday a 12 hour drive back. The weather was perfect during my visit and I enjoyed my time there. I was taken to Lamberts in Sikeston on Thursday evening, the home of the throwed roll.
                Enough about me and my holiday, let’s get to the title subject. Skinny dipping does not mean dipping a vegetable in a diet sauce, it means swimming nude. Why would I bring that subject up, because it is the title of this soon to be well written article. One might ask if I, the author to this wonderful article have ever participated in the activity of skinny dipping. We were all young at one time and I will let my response stop there.
                Above is a photo of the back yard. We see the grand kid’s fort and a brown spot where no grass grows. That spot is where the kid’s pool was located the last couple years.
                My present spouse decided to get a larger pool this year for the grand kids and I, as usual stated my objection to said pool. I do not like putting it up, filling it with water and taking care of it all summer. At the end of summer I then take it down and get rid of it. 

                In the following photo we will see the recently constructed pool even though it is not filled with water. I must give thanks to David and Alex as they helped in the construction of said pool. We were able to get the pool erected in just a few hours and it will take longer to fill it with water than it did to put it together.
                The main concern with this pool is, “one cannot sit in a lawn chair and watch the swimmer inside the pool. The wall of the pool is too high.
                Will skinny dipping be allowed in this pool? The answer is that no kids will be allowed to skinny dip in this pool. What about adults? That is yet to be determined.
                It should be noted, one of the Ford’s security cameras is directed at the pool, fotoe from security cam # 6, below. My first wife does not like me to make up words like fotoe, and use them around the grandkids, but she does not proof read these articles before I post them. 
                Being retired and on a fixed income, one may not be able to purchase a swimming suit. Also, one would not want to where street clothing into a swimming pool, although I do remember as a youth climbing an 8 foot chain link fence, and jumping into the Cape Girardeau public swimming pool with my clothes on. I did take my billfold out of my pocket and hand it to the young lady who was with me before trespassing on public property. Young people don’t always think before they act!
Remember the olden days, some memories may make you happy!
Don Ford

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