
Monday, June 26, 2017

It rained 06.26.17

                Saturday morning the rain came through Hewitt and there was some close sounding thunder (lightning) early that morn. All total we received, per the Ford Homestead’s rain gage, one and one eighth inch of precipitation but that is not the entire water story. We have a water line leaking near the drive way which was discovered Friday afternoon. We are in hopes that it is not under the drive way.

                Friday afternoon I call the plumber who was busy, he said they might be able to get to us on Saturday. I then proceeded to dig where the leak was coming out of the ground. I would dig dirt out and it would appear dry until I went to the meter and turned the water on. It would bubble up from the bottom of the hole I was digging. Each time I dug down deeper the leak was always at the bottom of the hole. I dug about 3 feet down and did not find the pipe. The pipe is about a foot deep at the meter box and about 18 inches deep where it goes into the house.

                We left the water off all night except we turned it on to take showers before bed.                

                Saturday the plumber called and said they would be here on Monday. He would send someone over to dig down to the pipe, and then the plumber would come over and fix it. If you want to donate to the pipe repair fund, you may do so on line!

                As my spouse of 48 years and I sat in the TV room Friday night and talked, yes it is unusual that we talk, but we did, I noted that even though I was unhappy about the leak, and that we would have to pay a bunch of money for the repair, “if that is the worst thing that happens, then things aren’t too bad”!

                We will have a heck of a water bill as we have filled that darn pool and now this leak!


                This weekend any time we wanted to use water as in, flush a toilet, wash your hands or just get a drink we had to turn the water on at the meter. Yes we had bottled water for drinking but that is not as convenient as going to the faucet.

                The plumbers are here and they have decided to run a new water line. That way they don’t have to break up the driveway. How much will this cost, who knows.

                We should be thankful for what we have. Having the water turned on and off several time each day and not being able to turn a faucet on without first turning the water on at the meter is a pain in the back side! Think about people who do not have running water, inside plumbing, or any safe water at all.  We live in a much blessed country!


Leak not, or ye shall pay!


Don Ford

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