
Thursday, June 22, 2017

In Common 06.22.17

                As I understand it, the days will be getting shorter, as summer is on its way out! That doesn’t mean it is going to get cooler, it’s not! Look it up if you don’t believe me!
                Let’s get to the subject at hand, but first let me say, there will be some photos at the end of this short but well written article.
                What do they have in common?
                Shoes, rocks, weeds, flowers, socks, bowls, sticks, chairs, feet, dresses, and hands, are just a small list of items one can expect to see in our new tenants mouth. Tres has two modes, one is sleeping and one is playing. Sleeping is so nice and relaxing but it doesn’t last long enough. When he is awake he is biting on and chewing on everything.
                At one point I heard an odd sounding noise, I turned the TV down as I thought there was something gnawing on wood inside the wall behind my chair. I was wrong on all accounts. Tres was gnawing on something but it wasn’t wood and it wasn’t in the wall. There is a lamp next to my chair, it has a metal base that has three metal legs. Please don’t get ahead of me, let me tell the story, when you jump ahead and decide for yourself as to what I am going to say, it just makes me feel not needed!
                Back to my story; Tres was chewing on the metal leg of the lamp. I am glad they are just puppy teeth as he will likely wear them out in a month or so.
                The following photos are for your enjoyment, there may be short comments on some of the photos.

I have cleaned the Ford’s Gold wing in preparation to sell it.

Tres wanted to help clean the bike.
Flowers for your enjoyment. Click on the photo to see the beauty.


Yes that is the photographer’s finger on the lower left. One should try to be more professional!

May your day be filled with sweet smelling flowers!

Don Ford

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