
Monday, March 6, 2017

Spout it out and in 03.06.17

                It was early in March 2017, when it was discovered that the spray nozzle at the Ford Homesteads kitchen sink had a problem. The problem we discovered, was a slight leak in the spray nozzle, which cause extreme fear that the drip of water might make it down under the sink causing a wet mess.
                I ordered a spray nozzle from my former employer. The nozzle was said to work with most faucets including Delta, key word here is, “Most”.
                The day come for me to replace said sprayer. Unadvisedly, I had eaten my lunch (leftovers from the last road killed possum) and then started immediately on the replacement. First I had to remove (what seemed to be) thousands of items from under the sink. I then was able to contort my senior body under the kitchen sink to see where the sprayer connected. I used my somewhat smart phone, to take photos of where the sprayer hose connected to the water supply. I then sent the photos to my senior PC so I could see them clearly.
                Above, one sees what I had to deal with under the sink. The white plastic connection is where the sprayer connects to the water source. How does one get it off?
(I learned later that the white plastic connector just pushed onto the fitting of the copper tube).
                I tried several times and was not able to get it loose. Also, every time I crawled under that sink my stomach began to feel yucky. I decided that I would need a little assistance with this project, and that is when I called for a professional, my youngest son David.
                Dave crawled under the sink, somewhat easier than I did, but he was also unable to disconnect the plastic fitting.
                The decision was made to remove the entire faucet, making it easier to work with the plastic connection. Once we had the entire faucet out, we were able to remove the plastic connection from the faucet. The connection on the Delta faucet was not compatible with the new sprayer connection ($11.68 wasted).
                We then headed for the Home Depot to purchase an entire new faucet. We learned that we probably knew more about the faucets than those who worked there. I asked one question, “Is that Delta faucet made of metal or plastic”. The first fellow said, he didn’t know if they were plastic or not. He looked around and said, this fellow knows all about these faucets. We inquired of the second employee the same question, and he said, “I think they are all made of plastic”. I responded with, “No they are not”!
                I then withdrew one of my two knives from my pocket and began to cut open a carton which had the Delta faucet I was looking at. The faucet was metal, we showed it to the fellow who thought they were all plastic.
                The faucet purchased, we returned to the Homestead for installation. David did most, I mean all of the work (thank goodness) and we had both a new sprayer along with a new faucet.  Thanks David!
                Later in the day I was able to spread the fire ant killer and then the fertilizer on the front and back yards.
                As you may be able to see, this entire edition of, “news from the Ford Homestead”, has been about work. I want to end this fantastic article with a little positive insight. Two photos taken while I was spreading the fertilizer and fire ant killer.  Click to enlarge.

May your spring be filled with flowers!

Don Ford

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