
Monday, March 20, 2017

Dear Diary 03.20.17

                Dear diary, I was able to wash the Ford’s Chevy yesterday under the shade of one of the mighty oak trees in the back yard. (Ok the tree is not an oak, but I don’t know what kind of tree it is so I used the name oak.)  I was able to remove all the pollen from the vehicle and now, instead of being a green / yellow color, it is white again!
                Look at the vehicle, not the trash and recycle cans or the bag of leaves on the drive!
                Comment: this morning I woke to fine the Ford’s Chevy again coated in pollen. L

                I received a Thank You from a secret admirer. As some of you may know, I had repaired the lights on the Ford’s angel. My present spouse helped me place it in a prominent location (As I did not want to take a chance of damaging the lighting by moving the almost 7 foot tall angel, alone) against the tree. See photo, yes it is blurry.
                The angel lit up that night, brightening the neighborhood, and evidently making someone extremely happy. The next day as my first wife and I were teaming up on moving the flowers from the Ford’s Green House back to their outside locations, all the time hoping that we would not get a serious freeze, their appeared on one of the stepping stones in the front yard, a thank you card and a small wooden angel.
How did it get there? Who put it there? Was it put there by a person or was it a sign from above, that we had received a Thank You from On High?  It is a mystery that may never be solved. Photo to follow.
                Sometimes odd gestures impress others! The little wooden angel and the card is appreciated.
Appreciated, for the little things!
Don Ford

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