The title of this essay, could be more of a question, than a statement. One may ask, “Is the Donald (me) really all knowing”? I will answer that question before I receive a comment from that one person, who loves to aggravate me. I am not all knowing, it just seems that way to those who know me.
Now let’s get real for a moment. I believe, each of us have been given a certain amount of knowledge and abilities. How each person uses their knowledge and abilities is up to them. To expand on that statement; “Each of us also have the option to improve”!
Those statements lead us to the rest of this dissertation.
The other day I noticed the freezer drawer (located at the bottom of the refrigerator in the Fords Garage) was not completely closed, it was about one inch away from being shut. I immediately tried to push it closed but to no avail. I then surveyed the situation and determined that the ice maker (which was no longer in use) had somehow became broken. Part of the ice maker was hanging down, keeping the inner drawer from closing which kept the entire lower drawer from closing.
I was able to move the broken part enough to allow the drawer to shut, a temporary fix.
To fix this unit (notice I did not say repair), I would need to remove all the frozen foods from the upper and lower drawer. Sounds simple, but there was a few things that needed to be done prior to working on the unit. I would need to go to the shed, remove the mower, tiller, two pole saws, a ladder, a leaf blower, and three containers of decorations which would give me access to the ice chest. I would then need to open the ice chest and remove two helmets and other items that are stored in the ice chest.
Next I removed the frozen items from the freezer drawers, placing them in the cooler.
At this point I should be able to remove the drawers making enough room for me to have access to the broken ice maker. I tried several times and could not remove the upper drawer as there was a tray attached to the door (later I learned it was called a tilting pocket). Try as I may I could not get this tilting pocket off the door.
At this point I used some of the God given knowledge I have, and I retrieved the book for this refrigerator. The book stated grasp the two ends of the pocket and pull up firmly. I tried this a couple times and I was afraid I was going to break the attachments. I called on my first wife, requiring her to read the instructions. She now understands that force is needed. If I break it maybe she will not blame me.
My first wife took hold of the pocket’s end and pulled without fear of breaking the unit. It came off! She is a good assistant!
I was then able to remove the upper drawer. I attempted to remove the lower drawer but there wasn’t enough room. Being the mechanical wizard that I am, and with some observation, I decided to open the two doors (aka French doors) to the refrigerator. This gave me the needed room (an extra 4 inches) to extricate the lower drawer.
The cover to the ice maker has two screws, which when removed gave me total access to the damaged ice maker. I was able to disconnect the ice maker from the freezer and replace the cover.
At this point I provided the freezer with an in-depth cleaning.
Proud of my accomplishments, I began to reverse engineer the entire process, with the exception of replacing the broken ice maker, as it went into the trash can.
As I replaced all the frozen items, I was able to make extra room due to my orderly arrangement of the contents.
Use and expand your knowledge and abilities!
Don Ford