
Friday, April 29, 2016

Positive comments 04.29.16

            Last evening, I, along with a few other bikers, assembled at a prearranged location for clandestine various reasons. I was wearing an old long sleeved shirt, in an effort to keep the sun off my arms while riding. I explained to others that the red spots on my shirt were not red paint, instead these spots were blood, and not my blood! I don’t think anyone believed me.
            After some planning, our group gathered and began the ride. We rode for over 2 minutes prior to reaching the planned destination. Arriving at the location we dismounted the bikes and as a group we entered this establishment.
            Each of the bikers acquired their own items, and we reassembled in an area where we could conversate (conversate means to discuss, communicate in a non-public manner).
            During this period of private discussions, one of the bikers said to me, “The photos you have posted of your yard, appear to be that of a retired person”! For that one person who does not understand that comment, it means, the yard looks good and it appears to be taken care of by someone with plenty of time.
            It was a nice comment, which made me feel happy! I guess The Grounds Keeper, here at the Ford Homestead, does a good job!
            There were 3 riders, other than the Honda guys, not a very good turnout, on the ride last evening. Our ride was less than one mile, as the ride master was not feeling well. I had a turkey sandwich, coleslaw and tea. The conversation was lively. Following our evening repast, the group broke, up and I rode home.
            A non-exciting evening, for a retired person, with Biker friends!

Be safe, be nice, and enjoy friends!

Don Ford

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