
Friday, April 8, 2016

Silly 04.08.16

            I keep telling the grand kids I am silly and I may now have proof. In the amazing photo below we see, “The Don” sitting at his desk working his poor fingers to the bone. If you want to see larger photos just click on the photo.

I have tried to explain to a northern reader what a Grackle looks like, and how the male grows the large tail during the spring time to impresses the female. This northern Blog Worm, knows what the starling looks like, but there are big differences. I have enclosed a photo of the Grackle on one of the many bird baths at the Ford Homestead.
I have planted gourds, another cherry tomato and carrots in the main garden an in the raised garden today. I also built a short fence for the gourds to climb on (photo to follow).
All that work has tired me out so I am on the front porch putting this soon to be magnificent Blog article together.  

May you day and weekend be as good as this day is to me!

Don Ford

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