
Friday, April 22, 2016

It stopped for a while 04.22.16

            It stopped yesterday before noon and we are now expected to have some days without it! One hates to even comment on this, as we will likely be begging for it in the near future. Why, are humans like that? It seems that we are never satisfied, for very long.
            As many of you may know, I am one of the few humans, that does not vacillate between being satisfied for a while and then not! I just refuse to be happy about something one week and the next week be complaining about the exact thing.
            Staying focused on one subject, and being true to that one subject regardless of how it might change, is at the core of my being! To be honest, I can teach you how to not waver in your thought process, if you would desire it.
            The rain, here at The Ford Homestead totaled 5.3 inches, according to the official rain gage, over the last 5 days.
            Today is supposed to be a very nice day with lots of sun shine and temps in the high 70s. I have even gave some thought to working on the flower bed border. It would cost about $35.00 (including tax, title, and license) and I am not sure whether my present spouse, would be willing to work longer hours picking up the aluminum cans, to pay for the blocks.

                Anyway, I hope the weather is good today where you live.

                What? You have a question? OK, what is it? Oh, ok, yes I will explain, thanks for reminding me!    Let’s see if I understand your question, how do I stay satisfied all the time, especially when things change to a complete opposite?
            OK, first you need to understand that I did not say, I was satisfied all the time! What I said was, “I do not vacillate between being satisfied for a while, and then not”. To explain, I am never satisfied, so I do not change my opinions. See, it is easy to not change, never being satisfied is known as being a pessimist, or if you must be satisfied all the time you are an optimists. You can decide.

May your day be one, or the other!

Don Ford

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