I have commented on this subject in the past, but no actions have yet been taken by your elected government servants, even though they do read my postings and email.
My subject today is cross walks for pedestrians, and those safety challenged pedestrians who use, said cross walks. Also in this topic we have those who are equal to, the north end of a south bound horse. These are the pedestrians that do not use and do not know what a cross walk is for, along with those who ass/u/me, that the drivers sees them!
Yesterday, as I dropped my grandkids off at school, I was again face with pedestrians who haven’t a clue, and or, don’t care.
First there is the woman (I assume a mother) with two kids who walked into moving traffic and not even close to the cross walk. This female pedestrian, likely assumed that the drivers saw her, and would not run over her. She was also setting a very good example for her children, who probably have never been told, “use the cross walk and look both ways before crossing a street”.
Next was the elderly woman who came from the school and walked in front of my stopped vehicle (she was in the cross walk) and she never once looked at me or my vehicle to see if I saw her. The danger here was the pickup truck that was attempting to drive past me and had to stop suddenly for this senior female pedestrian! Again this female pedestrian likely assumed that drivers knew she was crossing.
Possibly we could have a vote to see if it should be legal, to run over these safety challenged pedestrians who, do not look, and do not care.
Always look both ways, even in a cross walk!
“The Don”!
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