
Monday, April 4, 2016

Labor, forced or not 04.04.16

            No one asked, “What is tomorrow”, it is April 5th. No one asked, “Why is that date important”, it is the date that Don and Donna got married a few years ago, back in 1969! For that one mathematically challenged blog worm, that is 47 years ago.
Time flies when you are having fun!
            Speaking of fun, there was no fun at the Ford Homestead this weekend as the ground keepers worked both Saturday and Sunday afternoon. The flower beds have been weeded and new flowers have been planted as needed. The blackberries have been weeded, a broken limb was cut down along with about ten other limbs and all were loaded on the trailer. The planting of the garden is complete with some additional space now available. The grounds have been manicured to a point that some neighbors will no longer talk to us. It is difficult to keep up with The Ford Homestead bunch.
            We would like to say a special thank you to the Grounds keepers as they have done some exceptional work, Thank You!
As you may be able to see in the above photo, which is of part of The Ford Homesteads back 40, it is well groumed!
In the following photo there was a red bird (Cardinal) sitting atop the tree with no leaves, which is centered in the photo, highlighted by the sun, as the sun was setting. This red bird wasn’t singing, but it was sounding off its call over and over, loud and clear.
I am not sure whether he just found himself a new girl friend, or if he was just enjoying the parting sun light. What ever the reason, it was pretty and enjoyable at first, but after about 10 minutes it was annoying! (The bird photo was taken with my phone, it would have required me to get up from my rocker, expending too much energy, to proceed into the house to get a camera with a zoom lens.)

If you are interested, the grounds keepers (my present spouse of almost 47 years and I) are recuperating nicely from the weekend activities.

May your day be blessed with nice weather!

Don Ford

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