
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Looked like Diamonds 04.12.16

            In real life, these rain drops looked like stupendous diamonds, so I took a photo.

For the blog worms, yes that is the first time I have typed the word stupendous. (A good friend asked if I had ever used the word stupendous in a posting and I had not. Now I have used it three times.)
Unfortunately, the photo did not capture the sparkling appearance that the human eye could see. I am sure that at least one of you want to know where I had observed these water drops on these leafs. I was sitting in the Ford’s Chevy in the drive through at Star Bucks coffee emporium (a place of trade: a commercial center). Yep, that is the first time I remember using the word emporium, two firsts in one day!
Different subject:
            Our cat Molly, walked up to me yesterday afternoon with a bird in her mouth. I did not get a photo of the cat and bird but I did get a photo of a drop of blood. The drop of blood is one of several around my chair, I hope these drops are all from the bird and not me.
            You may click on the photos to see a larger view.


Have a “stupendous” day!

Don Ford

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