How should I begin, he thought, with a smirk on his timeworn face. I should begin with yesterday, he surmised, and then move into today’s events, which would keep all things in some sort of order. He was pleased with his decision, as he began to consider what to write.
What! A question from that one annoying reader who always seems to be more interested in upsetting me, than reading these professionally written articles.
You say, you heard a rumor that there was a TV installed in the new addition at the Ford Homestead for the grand kids to watch. You and your rumors. I want to know who provided you with that information!
Yes there was a TV installed, temporarily, for their use. It was a 7 inch battery powered TV. Are you happy now? I hope that is all the questions, I would like to get back to my thoughts! @&%#$*&@
It rained yesterday, which was the third time it has rained here at the Ford Homestead in the last 2.5 months. We received less than ¼ inch, but we are thankful for any amount of rain.
One neighbor suggested that the small amount of rain may be directly related to my recent rain dance. It was suggested that I should be totally nude when I do the rain dance. When I did the last rain dance I did have my socks and shoes on. I have tender feet and that is why I kept the shoes on. This neighbor’s opinion about the amount of rain is incorrect.
The amount of rain received is in direct proportion to the number of rain dancers. One dancer ¼ inch, two dancers ½ inch and so on. I suggested that she and her husband should join in next time and we would receive more rain.
I pruned and then pulled the grass out of the black berry vines yesterday. All the vine that produced berries this year had died and will not produce next year. All the new growth will produce berries next year.
Since I water the berries on a regular basis, the grass grows very well there. There were two problems in the weeding process (should it be called grassing since it is pulling grass more than weeds) the first of which is the thorns. I was impelled several times by the unforgiving plant. I soon learned to be more careful and gloves did help.
Second, I unknowingly pulled grass from a fire ant colony. There was no mound so I did not see them until I had been viciously attacked. For those northern readers who do not have fire ants, they hurt when they bite and the area bitten may swell, it will have a blister, and may itch for a couple days. Needless to say I gave them a drink and they died, well those near the top died, you never get rid of them all.
Now let’s get to today.
During my early morning walk, I noticed that there was water along the curb and at the end of the street. Our street is on a slight downhill grade so all water drains to the end of the street.
Where had the water came from, I pondered as I continued my stroll. It was too dark to see much of anything so I continued to walk. I had decided that it was not due to the small rain yesterday, it was probably someone watering their yard.
On my next trip down the street I was able to determine which yard the water was coming from. Odd, I thought as I walked down the street. The yard the water was coming from, never gets watered. Heck, the lady that lives there is only seen outside, going to or coming from her vehicle.
Still, it was too dark to see if there was a hose and sprinkler in the yard. I continued walking and on my next pass it was somewhat lighter. I could see a large area that was wet including some of the neighbors drive way and the street was wet a couple feet from the curb. It looked like a sprinkler water pattern. Possibly they had left the sprinkler on all night, big water bill.
I had completed my last pass down the street and was heading back to my home place. It was daylight now and I again approached the neighbor’s yard. Water was draining from her yard over the curb onto the street. I could see a hose connected to the faucet so I now assumed it was left on accidently. None of my business so I headed home.
I drank another cup of coffee and when the lady that lives next door drove away I told my present wife about the water. The lady and her kid were now gone so I decided to see if the faucet was turned off. It was off but there is a major water leak coming from the ground near the faucet.
I called the water department but they do not open until 8:00 am, even though the field workers start work at 7:00 am.
I called again at 8:00 and explained the situation. They said they could turn the water off and they would see if there was a cell phone number, if so they would call her.
It is now two hours later and I have not seen the water department truck come down the street.
Even though she isn’t the friendliest person, I hate to see her have a high water bill. If I went and turned off her water, the police would probably get me for vandalism.
It is a good idea to be friends with your neighbors, so in an emergency situation they would be able and willing to notify you.
Different topic, the insurance adjuster is supposed to come and look at the damage to the back of Donna’s van today. If he gets here early enough I might get on the bike and ride somewhere for lunch.
Tomorrow is 9 11, remember those who died!
You might want to think about the deal your president and some in congress are making, with some of the same people, that supported the 9 11 attack.
Don Ford
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