
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Going South 09.08.15

                As it is well known, one of my afternoon habits is to sit on my rocking chair, which is located on the drive way near the garage door, watching the grass grow. I occasionally have a cold drink during the happy hour, with the fan blowing on me from behind, in an attempt to stay cool in the searing heat.
                During most of the summer months, my rocker is in the shade provided by the house.
For that one person that doesn’t understand, the sun seems to move north in the summer and south in the winter, when in reality, it is the earth that caused the sun to appear to go north or south.  
                My rocker, of late, is in the sun longer each afternoon, due to the location of the afternoon sun. In an effort to demonstrate the quick repositioning of the sun, I offer two photos. These photos were taken during the morning hours and show the repositioning of the sun as the winter months quickly approach. Note: it will be 97 here today as we approach winter!
 Photo taken 8/28/15.
Photo taken 9/08/15, or 11 days later.
                That sun is going south fast.

                In the next photo I am attempting to show you a fellow who has been hanging around in this area for what seems to be a couple months now. No, it isn’t the neighbor’s cat, even though he seems to think the new addition was built for him and not the grand kids.
                I usually water the flowers every other day and that is when this fellow comes out of the flora (vegetation) attempting to get to high ground and away from the water. I have wondered why he/she seems to stay in this one area for this period of time.
                You must look closely to see the grasshopper, located where the smaller branch Y’s off from the main rose bush.
                I guess I should see if my riding mower will start. I haven’t used it in about a month due to the fact the most of the grass is not growing. I don’t mind not having to mow, but I would like to have green grass. They are predicting possible rain tomorrow, I hope they get it right this time. If memory serves, we have had two small rains in the last two months.
                Different subject: my spouse of 46 years cooked a very nice brisket with baked potatoes, homemade bread, beans, corn on the cob and other delightful food items for the holiday meal. Dave, Claire, Gabi and Alex came for lunch. Alex, being observant, asked where Uncle Patrick and Karla were, usually when we have a meal at the table, Patrick and Karla are also present but, they were camping this weekend.
In the above photo, Gabi had a cold and wasn’t feeling well, Alex was attempting to stuff his food into his mouth.

                After lunch Alex decided to have bubble gum for dessert. He is getting very good a blowing bubbles.
                Bubble blowing is a skill, which all kids need to learn! Alex seems to be at the top of his class in bubble blowing.
I hope your holiday was fun and safe!
Don Ford

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