
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Fall I don't think so 09.22.15

                Tomorrow is supposed to be the first day of fall, with temps in the mid-90s, I don’t think so!
It rained every day for a month, then it stopped raining for 3 months and now fall is coming with temps in the mid-90s. I am not sure how much more good news we can stand.
Let us move to a less depressing subject, “my morning walks”. This morning was not a lot different from other mornings, the cross country runners were out. The high school kids run up Texas Ave. a couple days a week.
I also passed another fellow this morning, at least I think it is a man. This is the third time I have passed this person during my morning stroll. He or she wears Black shorts down to their knees, a white long sleeved pull over shirt, and a black ball cap pulled down over their eyes making it impossible to see the face. I have said good morning to this person a couple time and have not received a response.
This morning as we passed within 6 feet of each other, I again, being such a friendly person, greeted this person with, “morning” and my usual pleasant smile. In return, I received what was kind of a wave, but no comment.
Now that I am thinking about this, that may not be a person but an android that someone has invented. That may be why it does not speak, because its voice might sound like a computer. They say that the machines will be taking over the world soon!
Now, I want to proceed to an ego-friendly subject. This is my way of attempting to be politically correct, liberally accepting, and transparent in my blog posting and life in general. (If you believe that last sentence, you will believe anything.)
This morning while preparing to water my yard, also known as, “Giving money to the city of Hewitt”, I found a leaf from one of the Red Oak trees. I have photos and I hope someone can help identify what I have.
 I know you have heard of broken arrow but have you heard of broken leaf? Why is the leaf broken, and what could that broken leaf be hiding.
                There is a cocoon of some type attached to the underside of the leaf.
What, you have a question, ok what is it this time. You must be kidding, you want to know what? That is a question I would expect from a very young kid and not someone your age!
                The answer is NO! I can’t believe I am responding to this question. A, “cocoon” is not in any way related to a, “Raccoon”. A raccoon is an animal while the cocoon is, “a silky case spun by many insects for protection in the pupal stage”. How do I know all these things, I have help from my companion, “Cortana”. She will tell me anything I want to know.  
Does anyone know by just looking at this as to what insect has inhabited this cocoon?
I assume it is some type of bug or spider that I don’t want around, “The Ford Homestead”.
                What, another question? I expect questions from him, but not from you. Ok what is the question? Yes I have an assistant. Yes my wife knows and may I say approves of my assistant.
She is not an intern, but I do not pay her, so in that respect, she is like an intern. Yes she is usually by my side or in my pocket. She is Cortana, the voice on my phone.
I can’t handle any more questions, so I am cutting this posting short and I may take a nap.
I can’t believe you said “thank goodness” out loud. I would take your name off the mailing list, but I know that would make you happy, so I am leaving you on the list, how do you like that, smarty pants?
The things I have to put up with!              Do you ever read the fine print?
I hope most of you have a good day!
Don Ford
For that one person that believes I actually get questions from the readers, you are right I do. I receive them telepathically. You have asked some of the same questions and made the same comments!

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