
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Percolate 03.31.15

A liquid or gas filtered through a porous surface or substance.
Percolator, a device which circulates heated liquid such as water, into a chamber that holds a substance, possibly ground coffee beans. As the liquid leaches through the substance it dissolves some of that substance and finally drains into a holding container.
Liquids such as water can percolate through porous substances such as earth or sand and in this process filter out many minerals.   
If you are not familiar with the device known as a percolator, that could indicate you are a young person or an old person that never drank coffee.
Percolate, filter, drain, ooze, seep, or leach can be used as synonyms.
Now if you wonder why the old coffee pot was called a percolator, there is a simple answer. The word percolate sounds better than, “Coffee Leacher, Coffee Oozer, Coffee Seeper or Coffee Drainer”.
Imagine if you will, you are at a friend’s home and you just completed a nice candle light dinner when, he /she says, “I have a fresh pot of Coffee in the Leacher, would you like a cup? The perfect end to a perfect evening, a cup of freshly leached coffee!
Leach, sounds like something resembling a slug or snail without a shell.
What? How did I get started on this subject? I was in bed pretending to watch some silly TV show, when the word percolate oozed into my head (did you notice the play on words, oozed into my head).
On a slightly different subject:
We have the garden put in (photo below) and all I need now is one more tomato ring, then some easy rain every third day and we will be set. Ok, I don’t expect the rain every third day. We have had some nice weather, with temps in the upper 70s and lower 80s.
The onions that Alex and I planted are growing (along the right side of the photo above and below).
The blue berry garden (below) is becoming an herb garden. My spouse of almost 46 years has needed a place to plant the herbs and the berry patch seemed like a good place. The item in the containers are temporarily located there.
                The weather is about to a point, where I will need to mow every week. Spring is Springing.
                If anyone wants to donate a, “garden weasel” it would be appreciated. They cost less than $20.00, and that will take an extra couple hours of my present wife’s time picking up aluminum cans on the side of the highway. The lack of attention that some of these drivers display, causes me to be concerned for my wife’s safety. 
We hope your gardens are bountiful!
Don Ford

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