Is it possible, that in the process of learning something new, one may have a tendency to consider other topics more systematically than they would have, prior to rejoining the student population?
Another approach to this question could be, does learning affect the mind in some way, which will cause the person (me) to question or consider any subject with curiosity and in more detail?
Read this article and decide for yourself.
There was a comment on the TV, about a discovery of a Black hole of enormous size. For some reason, unknown to me, the Big Bang Theory, which is considered to be the origin of the universe, may now be in question, due to the discovery of this black hole.
The above statement caused me to begin to consider, our universe, how many universes are there, size of infinite space, or the fact there is no size to infinite, and how did it all begin?
Before you stop reading this superbly written and fact filled article, I dare you to take a minute and consider, “how did it all begin, and why”.
King James Version of the bible, John 1, states:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
A different interpretation of the above biblical statement might be;
In the beginning was the data, and the data was with God, and the data was God.
I am not trying to change the bible, I am just offering an explanation of comments and events.
My, “Theory of Time” will explain, “Time’s beginning and, possibly God”.
I have no doubt that God was there in the beginning of time, as we know it. Time as we know it, may be only one of many periods, known as time.
Days, weeks, months or years mean almost nothing when discussing my theory.
How did time start and when? I don’t know that answer and neither does anyone else. The Big Bang Theory, is as good as any theory. My, “Theory of Time”, will explain that there has been and will be, other Big Bangs.
Read on, to be enlightened.
Theory of time by Don Ford February 27, 2015
Let us assume that time began with an event such as the Big Bang. That was a beginning of time, let us refer to it as, “time #1”.
Gasses and elements began to attach themselves together. Galaxies began to form. There were solar systems with various types of life forms.
As billions of our years passed the universe matured with many galaxies, solar systems, and planets being formed, while at the same time there were black holes consuming all that came close.
There were innumerable life forms existing throughout the universe. These life forms were at various levels of intelligence, during time #1.
Some of the many forms of intelligent life which had evolved over millennia, had advanced to a point where they were able to transfer knowledge from a living organism into the electronic storage device (computers as we know them today), and knowledge from the electronic storage device to a living organism. It should be noted that scientists today, are working on the process of transferring information from a human to a machine, and vice versa.
These life forms (possibly humanoid in form) were able to increase their knowledge to the point that some were seen as all knowing, due to their access to data (knowledge).
One of these life forms began to communicate with the electronic devices through telekinetic communication. This being, was able to be anywhere on the planet and access any information, including information from other life forms (mind reading).
As time passed this one life form became the, “Supreme Being”, ruler of the entire planet. With age, this Being’s body began to fail.
When the body failed, the spirit from the body lived on. This Being’s spirit had become a, “Force”, an energy field for lack of a better terminology.
This Force was able to influence other beings on this planet, with or without them knowing. The force would provide certain beings with data and withhold from others. In this way the force was still in control.
As all these advancements were occurring, the numerous black holes were pulling in enormous areas of the universe. One black hole would pull in another and another until this one massive black hole, was so enormous that it was swallowing entire galaxies. This black hole continued until it had pulled the entire universe in.
Then, this Mega Black Hole, collapsed in on itself.
For a moment, there was nothing!
Suddenly there was a Big Bang. It had happen, the second Big Bang!
Time began again. This time period we will call, “Time #2”.
Being a force, and not a physical being, the force survived the black hole and the second Big Bang. You may ask how this force was able to survive the black hole and Big Bang. Think of gravity, it is a force, and it survived.
Dust and gasses spread and were the building blocks of a new universe. Over millions of years, Galaxies, solar systems and planets were again forming.
The force was able to expand through space at will. The only affect that time had on the force was, an increase in knowledge and size.
The force was able to access information from anywhere it had been. This happened because the force, as it expanded through the universe, continued to grow in knowledge and size.
To explain, anywhere the force went, it stayed. In other words, the force is not a blob of energy that has a dimension, it exists where it is, where it has been, and expands into areas where it has not been.
The force is not alone, there are those who exist to serve this force, one might call them aliens, or even angels. The force would at times interact with others, including lower life forms.
As solar systems formed, the force would visit various planets, viewing the life forms and occasionally influencing them.
Imagine if you will, the force using lower life forms to accomplish physical processes. The force provides data to life forms, which will advance their civilization, enabling them to do amazing things, like build a pyramid.
The force will continue to expand, learn and influence. While at some point in time, black holes will again start to consume each other until a mega black hole again consumes the universe, taking the force with it, only to start again in time #3.
You may interpret my Theory, any way you like.
Some may consider the force to be God.
The, “Ford Theory of Time”, would explain how God is all knowing and everywhere. Others may believe that this is just another tall tale from an old Ford’s mind.
You now have the opportunity to prove me wrong.
Theorist, Don Ford
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