
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What the heck? 04.15.14

                I know it is tax day, the deadline for some people to pay their income tax. Yes there are a few of us that continue to pay for others to have 50 inch TVs and Obama cell phones.
                I learned that today is not the final day to file if you are going to get a refund. Yep, your government will allow you to file late if you are getting a refund. Isn’t that nice of them.
                Taxes is not what I want to comment on today. My topic is, “Spring”.
            Spring has sprung, Fall has fell, Winter is back and it is colder that heck.
                I have switched between the furnace and air conditioner several times and last night I again turned the furnace on. This morning it was 34 degrees at the Ford Homestead, my small but stylish garden was shivering in the cold.
                I shouldn’t be complaining because it will likely be in the mid-90s in the next couple weeks and I will obviously want to complain about that.
I hope your day is warm, or maybe you get a warm smile from a friend.
Don Ford

1 comment:

Mary said...

MY day is NOT warm. It SNOWED last night. Yep, woke up to the white stuff covering everything again. Spring and summer will get here. Even Alaska eventually has some summer, so Indiana should, ya think?