Chapter 4 “The best laid plans of mice and man…”
For the one person that closely reads my articles, I have changed a word. The word “mouse” has been changed to “mice” in the heading following the Chapter indicator, starting in Chapter 3.
Well, Easter has come and gone and I did relax and enjoy the family. There was the typical Easter egg hunt in which I came in third place out of the three egg hunters (grand kids are fasted than old retired people).
Monday morning I decided to begin again on my project of a ramp into the shed. As usual I take some quite time in the throne room each morning. The throne room is usually quiet, you can adjust the lighting to fit your mood and no one bothers me during my meditation.
As I sat on my throne I was considering my approach to the ramp at the shed. I must remove the metal from the bottom of the door before I can proceed with any other work. I have purchased two of the saw blades needed to cut the metal. I pondered the idea of getting the extension cords and stretching them across the yard to power the saw. That sounds like extra work which a person of my age and being on a fixed income (cost of the electric) does not need.
Suddenly the throne room was filled with an aroma, this aroma may have helped me with the thinking process. I reckoned, there is an alternative to the electric saw. Tin Snips; I have a pair of tin snips that were probably my dad’s and they do not require electric. Another problem solved in the throne room. Once the paper work was complete, I headed to the back yard for some physical labor.
Arriving at the shed I observed some flora that was blooming beside the shed. I reached for the trusty camera and took the following photos.
In these photos we see flowers growing under the solar panel and along the shed.
These roses are not near the shed but I thought they were pretty. They were gifts to my present wife several years ago from her niece Donna Rea. These rose bushes are about 6 feet tall and as you may be able to see, there are red and pink roses.
I began the work of cutting the metal from the door. The tin snips did work or should I say the tin snips cut the metal and I did the work.
After successfully removing the metal I began to place the plywood for the form. This required me to be on my hands and knees for an extended period of time.
I have now placed the form for the cement and I have started to back fill. I have determined that if I am to be successful at the venture I will need help with the cement. I assume I can make a somewhat dry mix and probably be able to control it but I will need someone to mix the following batches as I smooth and try to keep the cement on an angle inside the form.
I woke in the middle of the night last night thinking about the ramp and in this semi-sleeping state I considered that the cement ramp may be too much work. I lay there considering the amount of cement needed and… zzzzzzzz
The garden is doing well, we thought we were going to get rain yesterday so I did not water. There was no rain, I will water today.
I hope your day is filled with smiles.
Don Ford
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