
Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Name Game 04.27.14

The Name Game        04.27.14


                As I sit in the back yard looking at my newly built handicapped ramp, and as Alex tries to get my attention, I have been thinking about naming a kid.

Often, “new parents to be”, take months to pick the right name for their first child. These young “parents to be” want to have the perfect name in an attempt to not upset any of the grandparents or other family members.

This true story is about choosing a child’s name, but not the long version involving months of research.

I went to the dentist the other day for my six month cleaning. As I sat in the waiting room a fellow walked in and spoke to the receptionist. She ask his name to which he replied Jackie, this caught my attention. I have a brother named Jackie and this started me remembering a story my mother told me.

I had asked Mom why they named my brother Jackie. As a note; everyone calls my brother Jack. Mom related that they had not picked a name, so they decided that each family member would write a first name on a piece of paper and put them in a hat. I wasn’t born at that time so I did not get to participate. My sister wrote the name Jackie and that was the name drawn from the hat. 

                As you can see, it didn’t take long to decide on a name, and who knows, it may have upset everyone who’s suggested name was not drawn, or not. 

                That being said, how did they decide on my name, “Donald”?

“McDonalds”, did not exist when I was born, so it did not come from a fast food establishment. For that one person that likes to make snide comments, yes I am older than “McDonalds”.

“Old McDonald”, did have a farm when I was born, so my name could have come from the nursery rhyme.


New Subject:

There are buds on the tomato plants in our garden and there are very small peppers on the serrano peppers. We haven’t received any rain so I must water today.


Have a good day, enjoy family and friends. 


Don Ford

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