
Friday, April 18, 2014

Chapter 3 "The best laid plans of mice and man."

Chapter 3         “The best laid plans of mice and man…”

                How to proceed or, forget the project was my conundrum.

If I continue I would need to alter the shed door which would allow me to be able to open and shut the door once the ramp is in place. Opening and closing the door seems like an important part to this project.

If my decision were to forget the project, I would think of myself as a quitter and I would not have my handicapped cement ramp.

Obviously, I have but one choice. I must see this project through to fruition (I also like the word fruition, it is spelled like it sounds)

Needing to update my plan, I acquired my camera from the desk drawer and proceeded to the shed. Arriving at the shed I opened the door and took several photos of the door inside and out before the camera batteries went dead. Is the batteries going dead an omen; should I defer this project for a few weeks?

Over the years I have developed a strategy of taking a few photos and then heading for my computer. I can sit in my easy chair and review the photos which most often provides ways to update the original plan. Today was no exception.

I have learned that the door frame is smaller than the metal that covers the frame. In my update plan I will remove a protective piece of metal from the bottom, then cut about 4 inches of metal from the bottom of the door. I will reinstall the protective strip which will cover all sharp edges. Below is a photo taken by yours truly, showing the amount of metal that will be removed close to the bottom of the 2 X 4 bottom of the door frame.


Accomplishing the above, I will be able to continue with the original plan to install the cement ramp.

I have worked with cement in the past but it has all been in a flat or level form. This time I will attempt to lay the cement in a form that has a 12 inch drop in four feet, from the back to the front. I believe I will need to work with a more dry cement mixture.  

The weather person is calling for possible showers over the next 4 days, which includes Easter weekend. During this period of time I hope to rest and relax while enjoying family and friends.


The small garden is looking good with no ill effects from the almost freezing weather. The only problem with the garden came from me. As I was trimming the weeds along the edge of the landscape timber, I backed into the solar panel attached to my shed, causing the string trimmer to cut the tops off about 4 onions.


Don Ford

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